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Dangers Of Fast Food

Fast Food Or Junk Food Are Harmful To Health! Fast food or junk food are foods that are loaded with calories, sugars and salt, fats, cholesterol and trans fats and lack healthy nutrients like fibre, vitamins and minerals and antioxidants. Most fast food may lack either complex carbohydrates or proteins or both. Bakery products like […]


Basic Information About Blood Pressure And Hypertension! Today many people are aware that diabetes is a grave illness. And they take the threat of the disease seriously. But more people have hypertension than diabetes and few people are aware that hypertension is as grave a disease as diabetes. And a person with hypertension may not have […]


Hypothyroidism Or Under Active Thyroid Gland Thyroid is a butterfly shaped endocrine gland situated at the base of the neck, below the prominence of the Adam’s apple, resting on the trachea or the windpipe. It produces three hormones, the two thyroid hormones called triiodothyronine or T3 and thyroxine or the T4 hormones and calcitonin. The […]

Uric Acid, Gout And Kidney Stones!

Raised Levels Of Blood Uric Acid, Gout And Kidney Stones! Many people suffer from raised levels of uric acids in their blood. Often this condition is found in routine renal function tests. Most often this condition is ignored if the rise is borderline. But left untreated, long term rise in uric acid could cause chronic […]