Happy Testimonals Are Our Greatest Strength!
Renowned doctors Dr. Sulochana Patil, senior gynaecologist, formerly Honorary Gynaecologist to Sasoon General Hospital, Pune; Dr. Veena Kundalkar, formerly Associate Professor, Anatomy, B. J. Medical College, Pune; and Dr. Ulka Chobhe, formerly Civilian Medical Officer, Armed Forces Medical College (A.F.M.C.), Pune have attended our Centre regularly for their own workout for three decades and have personally witnessed most of our results. Their testimonials about our work have featured in the Times Of India in October and December 2010 and February 2011, and are available on the ‘Doctor’s Recommend Us’ page of this website. A large number of our ‘Distance Program’ patients are specialist doctors, some of whose testimonials have featured in ‘Saptahik Sakal’ in the past.
The daughter in law of one of Pune’s best known business families came to me in 1986. She had gained a lot of weight within a year by self medicating herself off and on with a steroid tablet for a skin allergy caused by a detergent powder.
She was in a state of deep frustration and anger as she was teased and taunted by a group of close friends as she turned out to be the heaviest in her group, which was holidaying at a farm house.
She lost an incredible 26 kg with us in just 7 months! More importantly she is still perfectly slim and healthy in her seventies three decades later! This result was witnessed personally by Dr. Ulka Chobhe who happened to join us at the same time as this lady and also happens to be her friend. The name is withheld as the family is too well known and is virtually a household name in Pune, being the sole distributors of the largest cooking gas company of India, three decades ago. She had kindly consented to lend her testimonial to us for an advertisement in ‘Sakal’, the leading Pune daily, in 1987.
Amongst our latest results, two twenty two year old girls, both from well known medical families of Pune, have lost 25 kg each, witnessed by all the three doctors named above.
Dilip Jadhav, a little educated rural youth, who lost a staggering 56 kg with me, very much at his home, in Khandala Khambatki, District Satara, in 1987, is still slim, fit and healthy, now nearly 60, three decades later!
Please look at what some of our people have to say about our results.
When I joined Dr. Nitin Gupte’s ‘Distance Slimming Program’ in mid-July 2012, I weighed in at 109 kg, which was far too much for my 6 ft frame. Dr. Gupte was confident that he could help me get slim and healthy in spite of a rather unpredictable daily routine that requires a lot of travel, mostly by night flights between Chennai and Pune, and also trips abroad.
I found Dr. Gupte’s program fairly easy to follow, the food was ample and it never left me hungry like the commercial slimming programs invariably do. And I am enjoying my walks thoroughly!
I followed his advice to the last word and lost a kg per week for the first 3 months, and then 20 kg in 6 months and 25 kg by the end of 10 months!
I am working as professor and head of orthopaedics in a private medical college in Pune. Last year, at age 60, I felt that my weight had shot up to an alarming 84 kg(by my standards) inspite of my regular exercise which included some cycling and brisk walking.
When I decided to do something about it I was very clear in my mind that I wanted no unhealthy methods which promise the moon. When I read about Dr. Nitin Gupte’s slimming centre in Pune Times, it appealed to me as a reasonable and scientific program.Subsequently on meeting him I was told about the Distance Program which suited me fine as I stay 35 km from Pune.
Initially the going was tough and needed reserves of will power while progress seemed rather slow. Having completed a year in July 2016, I can proudly claim to have achieved the target of weighing less than 75 kg. All it needed was sensible eating habits coupled with sustained exercise.
I have absolutely no hesitation in recommending Dr Nitin Gupte’s treatment after my wonderful experience. Becoming slim is what all of us desire but remaining energetic while at it makes a real difference and gives his centre the cutting edge.
While I always plan optimally perfect nutrition for everyone under my care keeping their normal, everyday food at it’s core, no one can follow the prescription cent per cent all the time. It is never possible, never expected and absolutely not needed. People can eat healthy around their food plan, an occasional deviation not withstanding, and still get excellent results.
A joint family who has not been taken into confidence about the daughter in law joining my Distance Program, or a doting old mother who wouldn’t have her dear son refuse to eat some high calorie dish she has so lovingly prepared for him, pose problems that one has to cope with if we have to succeed in delivering excellent results!
Dr. Prashant Kamath had similar limitations in following my food plan. And he wasn’t nearly fit enough to start with, in spite of his exercise. Hence the progress would always be slow. What is important is to trust me and hang on, not give up. And that’s what he precisely did! Hence the results!
He is perfectly slim now!
Not all can lose weight at an excellent pace, like say, Mr. Charudatta Belsare, but that’s perfectly fine! Each one should go at his or her own pace!
It is not the quantum of weight loss, 9 kg, but it is who he is, that makes the testimonial invaluable!
I am ever so thankful to him for giving me this invaluable testimonial.
I consulted Dr. Gupte for weight loss in ‘21.
I was obese at the start, weighing 90 kg at 5 ft 2 inch and so was very worried about it.
What I liked best about his treatment plan is that I was eating normal Indian food with an ample amount of fruits and milk along with brisk walking twice a day.
So l was able to follow the plan really well and have now lost 39 kg, reaching 51 kg, my ideal weight, under Dr. Gupte’s guidance!
His nutrition plan has now successfully turned into a lifestyle change for me.
Initially I used to report to him on daily basis what I had eaten and how much exercise I had put in each day, and he would advise me based on that daily report. This helped me a lot.
He was very supportive throughout my journey to getting slim and healthy.
I have become very fit and healthy and my energy levels have improved so much that I can now walk 5 to 6 miles (8 to 9.6 km) effortlessly.
I could never have achieved this without his guidance.
I can strongly recommend you to trust him.
This is all about the beautiful journey of my husband’s weight loss.
My IT professional husband had gained a lot of weight in the last six or seven years and more during the pandemic.
He also has a strong family history of hypertension, diabetes, thyroid and heart disease.
I was very worried.
That’s when I discovered and got in touch with Dr. Nitin Gupte.
He was very reassuring from our first telephonic conversation and we realised that he was the right person for us.
What I liked best about his treatment was that he plans and inspires people to learn to eat and live healthy for a lifetime, so that people can get slim and healthy for a lifetime.
We had seen how people lose weight on temporary diets, only to regain weight as soon as they stop dieting.
Swapnil joined Dr. Gupte’s program towards the end of January ’22.
We immediately realised that it wasn’t at all difficult to follow his food plan, as it was essentially our own regular food, only nutritionally fine tuned.
And Swapnil had to report to Dr. Gupte every day about his food and exercise and he always promptly received a reply from the doctor, correcting, guiding, inspiring and applauding every achievement of Swapnil.
Swapnil felt fresh and energetic from the beginning and was rapidly getting fitter and slimmer.
He was sleeping much better now. Earlier he couldn’t fall asleep till 2 or 3 a.m. each night.
His craving for food and munching stopped completely.
He voluntarily stopped eating some of his favourite high calorie food.
I never saw him get bored of eating healthy or walking.
In fact he was loving walking and never wanted to miss it.
He reached 6 km walks quickly and before long he was easily doing 15 km a day, much more than his prescribed goal.
What followed was a beautiful journey of getting slim and healthy and by the end of six months Swapnil has lost 36 Kg!
Dr. Gupte keeps telling him that he has broken all of his recent records and keeps applauding Swapnil’s fantastic achievement!
I can believe it, only because I have personally witnessed his journey from fat to fit! And slim and healthy!
I feel that my college friend is with me again! !
In this journey Dr. Gupte guides us at every step, is always with us, encouraging, supporting all through the program and even beyond!
All you need is to follow his advice with patience and perseverance.
Swapnil’s life is on a whole new trajectory and anyone can do this, anyone…. Even in this age of Covid, when Dr Gupte is there.
So get in touch with Dr. Nitin Gupte when you need to lose weight! !
Truly I have no words to tell how grateful we are, Dr Gupte.
Thank you for everything!
Being an avid foodie and next to none exercise meant I was beyond dangerous levels of being overweight. It affected my mental and physical health. I knew I had to do something about it but I somehow could not motivate myself. I was conveniently turning a blind eye towards it and continued my merry way.
My wife and daughter motivated or one may say, literally pushed me to go for the weight loss, which meant I was looking for options.
We were searching through the internet for possible options and also spoke to friends who have gone through the weight loss journey . We decided to take help from Dr. Gupte amidst a lot of rave reviews from his previous patients. When we had called him for enquiry, he felt very assuring and calm.
He asserted that with the help of walking and nutritionally fine tuned healthy, normal, daily food one can loose weight. One does not necessarily have to do heavy gym and rigorous exercises to loose weight. This was a surprise for us and yet very reassuring.
Biggest positive was that I could eat normal everyday homely food and did not have to follow a daily food chart as some dieticians would prescribe generally. I felt comfortable with that.
So I gave in and joined the program in Jan 2022.
Dr. Gupte initially had asked about the general food habits we have at home and prescribed me the right portions of our home food options that I was comfortable with. He had also given the list of food items to avoid as much as possible, like maida, processed foods, breads, aerated drinks etc.
Along with the food plan, daily walks as per the prescription were essential. I had to report him daily as to what I ate , how much I walked and how much of water I drank.
I would receive his daily advice and encouragement based on the report, which kept me going.
I kept a tab on my food intake, said bye bye to processed foods, aerated drinks, sweets, maida, junk and oily food. Increased the water intake as Dr. Gupte had suggested.
Homemade satwik food, daily walking and home exercise became my mantra.
I started seeing the difference almost immediately and it spurred me to go further ahead. Once, I could see visible results, there was no looking back.
When you see your weight dropping, you get a unique kick out of it and at the same time keeps you on your toes to continue in the same vein. Satisfaction of seeing the number drop on the weighing scale is beyond words.
I have lost almost 36 kgs in six months. Got to XL from 3XL. I have been sleeping well now, I enjoy my walks. It has become a norm for me. Feels amazing to get some compliments from my friends and family. My recent blood sugar and cholesterol reports have been excellent. So all in all beyond amazing results.
I still have little bit to shed to be in ideal BMI range and I will continue “walking” on this path that is set by Dr. Gupte. Many thanks to him to get where I am in my weight loss journey. He devised a plan that was completely fit for me. He kept me motivated throughout.
I am overjoyed with the results so far however, “Miles to go before I sleep…”
I weighed 139 kg at 5 feet 11 inches at 32 years of age and my family was very worried about my health. My elder sister and mother almost dragged me to meet Dr. Nitin Gupte. We were further shocked when my blood pressure turned out to be shockingly high, 210 / 140 mm!
I had no option but to join Dr. Nitin Gupte’s treatment. The doctor assured us that the blood pressure would come down to normal in a few weeks of eating healthy and walking regularly and losing a few kg. No medicine needed!
The food plan was nothing but an improved version of my regular food! The food plan and the walking prescribed by the doctor were easy to follow and on my part, I followed his treatment plan perfectly from the beginning.
I lost an incredible 5.75 kg in the first month and have now lost 11 kg in a little over two months. My blood pressure has come down to 127 / 94 mm!
I had reached weight loss of 18 kg till the Corona lockdown when our society prohibited walking in the society walking zone.
Dr. Gupte advised me to press on regardless of this setback and continue to walk at home!
I have now reached 114.20 kg, a total weight loss 25.20 kg, in about six months, proving that you can lose weight even by walking indoors in your home, during the lockdown, if you have the will and proper guidance!
I am sure, under Dr. Gupte’s guidance, I can slim down perfectly in coming months, and completely get rid of my hypertension in another month’s time!
I had never imagined that it would be such a happy, healthy journey! I feel very fresh, light and energetic now!
My husband and I are both doctors by profession and are working in the UK.
I have been reading Dr. Nitin Gupte’s posts on Facebook platform since before lockdown and have been quite inspired by the stories / cases he used to share about his treating people with obesity related health issues.
I am not comfortable and do not believe in starving myself to reduce weight in any form of diet.
And I do believe that exercise and balanced nutrition are necessary to control weight and more importantly to keep one healthy and happy.
During and after lockdown both my husband and I started putting on weight more than expected both due to reduced physical activity during the lockdown and over eating. We did exercise but I guess we needed guidance.
I was within the range of normal weight ( upper side) but my husband had started to put on weight faster. We both are nearing our fifties and I realised something more serious has to be done both because of our age and also because of some blood reports.
That is when I contacted Dr. Gupte.
What I liked best about his treatment plan is that we were eating our normal daily food, ‘varan’, ‘bhat’, ‘bhaji’, ‘poli’, ‘koshimbeer’ on it, although bad, fried, fast food was understandably restricted.
On Dr. Gupte’s treatment process, we have to report our food and water consumption and exercise to him on daily basis and he advises us daily based on our report. This system works beautifully.
He was very supportive throughout our journey to getting slim and healthy. My husband initially needed convincing to join the program but once he joined, he strictly followed Dr. Gupte’s prescription.
I have weak knees so I had to go slow on exercise and I had so little weight to lose anyway, that my results were slow and I lost 2.5 kg while my husband lost a whopping 11 or 11.5 kg in three months
Initially I could barely walk 2 km, but now I am so much more fitter that I can easily run 8 km.
Thus my diet and fitness have improved hugely!
My husband was able to exercise much better and followed Dr. Gupte’s prescription strictly and the results were so good.
There is so much positive difference in our before and after photos within a span of 5 months, that I couldn’t stop myself from sharing them with Dr. Gupte, without his ever even asking for them!
Dr. Gupte’s advice is so easy to follow that we can follow it for a lifetime and that is what he expects us to do.
So I can strongly recommend that you entrust management of your weight and weight related health problems to him, if you too are looking to get slim and healthy on excellent nutrition and exercise regimen.
My journey to health with Dr. Nitin Gupte started last July.
I am a 60 year old home maker and the wife of a specialist doctor.
I have been a diabetic for the last 18 years and have been on insulin for last 9 years.
In spite of insulin and oral medication, my blood sugars have rarely been normal.
I didn’t get time to focus on myself or you might say I never took my blood sugars seriously.
In January last year I was diagnosed with COVID.
Post Covid my sugars shot up to 400 / 500. And they showed no signs of coming down.
I was stressed. I was feeling fatigued and didn’t have the stamina for exercise. I couldn’t swallow a morsel of food without feeling guilty.
Along came frustration. With that frustration it was hard to follow a diet honestly.
I was on a single daily dose of insulin. I was tired of taking any additional medicines. The physician would give me a long list of food to avoid.
You know everything but the feeling of hunger wouldn’t go.
My weight was hovering at 81 kg.
And during this time I read some obesity and health related articles of Nitin Gupte Sir on Facebook.
I intuitively felt that here I might get the answers to my problems.
After some brain storming I called him.
He was very reassuring. After just one call I decided to join.
I had to tell him about my daily food pattern and lifestyle through a feedback form on his website.
Once he got the information, he fine tuned my food, keeping it as close to my original food habits as possible. To my surprise he kept a lot of room for milk and fruits in my diet and for exercise, he prescribed walking as per my convenience.
I started eating as per his prescription. I didn’t have to change my food much.
And I started walking in three sessions very much in-house. I lacked the confidence to walk outdoors as my feet could not tolerate the hard tar on roads and my walk would become unsteady on it.
On Dr. Gupte’s food plan, my craving for sugar receded and my hunger game came to halt. I was experiencing a feeling of a full belly for the first time in many years.
I started walking in three sessions of 20 minutes very much at my home and ended up walking whenever time permitted. My blood sugars halved in 8 days and came to normal on 15th day.
My stamina improved quickly and I started walking for 2 hours!
Sir sent me a video of Leslie’s walk. Initially I couldn’t even do it for 5 minutes. But I kept trying.
Today I can do it for 45 minutes effortlessly. In addition to that I also do half hour of Jane Fonda’s muscle strengthening workout.
Now I sleep peacefully at night and feel fresh when I wake up at 5:30 in the morning.
My stamina for daily household chores has increased greatly. Now I can also walk on crowded roads with confidence. My problem of balancing on hard road has gone.
Sugar levels are at normal. Occasional slight spike doesn’t bother me. I can bring it to normal within 2 days without much of an effort.
My weight has come down from 82 kg to 70 kg!
My daily dose of medication has reduced remarkably.
Now I am left with the small task of reducing my weight by another 5 kg and maintain it over the period of time.
I have achieved a big milestone with the help of Gupte sir. This has been a happy and effortless journey which I couldn’t even imagine earlier.
Most valuable remark came from my 4 year old granddaughter. Just 6 months back she used to say , ‘Abi you have become old, let me hold your hand’. The day before yesterday she said, ‘Abi you are not old, you are young!’
What more do I want?
Hats off to Gupte sir! It was next to impossible without his help!
I suffered from irregular periods, PCOD and gradual weight gain since the time I was fourteen years old.
My periods became even more irregular after the birth of my second child, five years ago, now vanishing for eight or nine months at a time and my weight had gone up to 87 kg by February 22.
Try as I might, I could never lose even half a kg weight.
That’s when I discovered Dr. Nitin Gupte and immediately called him.
He spoke to me with calm reassurance and positivity and answered all my questions with patience.
I joined him without any hesitation whatsoever.
And thus began my journey to become slim and healthy, under his guidance.
His food plan for me included my normal, everyday food, plus ample milk and fruit.
I wondered how I could lose weight with all that much food!
Sir simply told me to trust him and follow the prescription properly and to stop worrying about the results!
Fine, I said to myself, let me try it!
I wasn’t perfect, but I still lost 12 kg weight in six months, all thanks to Sir!
My last three periods too have come regularly in the last three months!
That means my PCOD is reversing!
That’s when I asked Sir if he was going to change my diet now.
He said, no, continue with it permanently.
We don’t diet, we have learnt to eat healthy, and we never need to stop eating healthy!
And truly, I never felt as if I was dieting any time, during these six months.
So I know I will have no problems continuing with the same healthy food and regular walks and get and stay slim and healthy life long!
Thank you very much Sir!
When Me and my wife, Swati joined Dr. Nitin Gupte’s Distance Program on 9th Nov 2011, I weighed 100.05 kg at 5 ft 10 in, I had diabetes and hypertension.
My wife weighed 84.25 kg at 5 ft 3 in. She had hypertension, high cholesterol and hypothyroidism.
As promised, Dr. Nitin Gupte made very minor changes in our lifestyles and normal everyday food and also included ample milk and fruit and prescribed walking as an exercise because it was the convenient exercise for us.
On our part, we followed his plan with absolute sincerity and we have thoroughly enjoyed following it.
We both lost weight steadily and my blood pressure and sugar dropped down below normal while my wife’s blood pressure and cholesterol dropped down low enough for our physician to withdraw our medications for all the three conditions.
By 7th of July 2012, I had lost 19.5 kg while my wife lost 14.5 kg.
Now we are a lot more fitter, healthier and slimmer! My blood pressure and sugar and my wife’s blood pressure and cholesterol continue to be normal, without medication. We are looking forward to becoming fully slim and healthy for a lifetime.
I contacted Dr. Nitin Gupte through his website and was very pleasantly surprised to see him personally call me. We discussed how I could achieve my weight loss goal and I started on the three month distance programme. The plan was very simple and enjoyable to follow – it included food items that I already liked as part of a rich and balanced diet, and walking for exercise, twice a day.
I followed the plan well for 3 months, Dr. Gupte was always available to answer any questions and to keep me on track. Overall it definitely was a life changing experience as I lost 15.5 kg in just 3 short months and realised the impact of proper nutrition combined with exercise on one’s health!
I read about Dr. Nitin Gupte’s weight loss programme on Facebook.
All of his articles looked impressive.
My teen age daughter was struggling with over weight and hormonal problems like many other girls her age do.
I felt like taking his help for my daughter’s weight and health issues.
At first I had so many doubts and I feared that he might put her on some protein powders or some meal replacement shakes or medicines.
And we are located hundreds of miles away from him.
So I called him directly to clarify my doubts.
He assured me that he would not put her on any diets or protein powders or any meal replacement shakes or medicines and that she would eat normal everyday food at our home and walk and jog as per the prescription and report to him daily what she ate and how much exercise she put in and how much water she drank.
And that she would receive his daily advice based on her report.
So I finally took the decision of putting my daughter under his care.
And I was astonished that everything turned out exactly like he promised.
Through the treatment, I would keep asking him about my doubts and he would also clarify them with a lot of patience.
And we could see positive results within a week of starting his treatment.
Still sometimes we used to feel that the weight loss had stagnated for a week or so, but it was only temporary and she would continue to lose weight steadily.
At such times he would always reassure both of us that more weight loss would reflect on the scale in a week. And it invariably did.
Within last 5 months my daughter has lost 15 kg!
Her hair texture and complexion have improved greatly and her muscles have tightened.
There was no starvation, no over exercise, just regular amount of everything involved.
The whole process has been thoroughly enjoyable for me and my daughter.
We had a really beautiful experience!
Thank You Sir !
I am a teenager and I was struggling for two years to lose those extra kg and inches those I had gained in the early teens. I tried one fad diet after another but none worked.
That’s when I accidentally met Dr. Nitin Gupte towards the end of January 2022 and saw his website.
My parents spoke with him and we were convinced about the science of his treatment and knowledge and experience.
I joined him straight away. His treatment was so easy to follow. I had never imagined that my journey to getting slim and healthy would be so easy and smooth. I easily achieved what I had come to imagine to be an impossible task.
His guidance not only helped me slim down perfectly but also helped me maintain the ecosystem of my body with all the essential nutrients and energy that a growing teenage girl would need.
My parents who were worried because I wasn’t eating right and ate a lot outside than at home, are also very happy that I am eating healthy and exercising right and have slimmed down perfectly.
Overall I’m really very happy with his treatment and I will definitely recommend every one looking to eat their own food better and lead a healthier life, not just lose weight, to consult Dr. Nitin Gupte.
My weight loss journey started in 2015 with Dr. Nitin Gupte. I was really concerned about my suddenly increased weight. It had reached 78 kg and I was diagnosed with PCOS.
I was unable to conceive because of the weight and PCOS.
Doctors had asked me to reduce weight and the only way I knew was starving myself. But even that wasn’t helping, even though I was skipping my meals.
I was clueless about eating ‘Right’ … and to the rescue Dr. Nitin Gupte came as an angel in my life to help me go in the right direction towards eating right and healthy!
In five months time I reduced 11 kg and conceived naturally without any fertility treatment, to become a happy mother!
Unfortunately, it did not occur to me that I should have consulted Dr. Gupte during the pregnancy. Had I consulted him l, I could not only have prevented undue weight gain but also have saved myself a lot of stress.
I didn’t. As a result I not only allowed myself to gain a lot of weight but also found out to my horror, that my blood sugar had shot up alarmingly high.
The first physician that I consulted, straight away prescribed oral diabetes medication. Really scared now, I went to another physician, who, to my horror, added insulin to the oral drug.
Now really scared, I called Dr. Gupte. He advised me to take neither, and simply begin to walk morning, evening and eat healthy, as planned by him.
I started to lose weight straight away and my sugar became normal in a month’s time!
I now have reduced 16 kg and the journey is still on!
Thank you Dr. Gupte for showing me the right path, can’t thank you enough as you changed my life completely!
Dr. Nitin Gupte was a miracle find after years of trying fad diets and unsuccessful weight loss experiments. He tailored my diet to my regular food and didn’t recommend anything beyond a daily walk.
I have lost 10 kg so far and am confident that I will knock off the rest of the excess weigh. The daily walk has made me more energetic. This, in spite of my busy schedule as a medical student!
Would recommend to anyone who has given up on ‘lose weight quick’ schemes!
I am a medical student at Bharati Vidyapeeth. I had gained 19 kg over the course of two years going up from 72 to 91 kg.
I am currently under the care of Dr. Nitin Gupte, who helped me lose an astounding 18 kg over a period of just four months.
The beauty of his regimen is that it’s absolutely simple and easy to follow on day to day basis.
I would recommend anyone wanting to lose weight without any fancy regimen, to pay a visit to Dr. Gupte.
Due to a sedentary lifestyle, I ended up gaining more than 14 kg over a quick period of 1 -2 years.
Thereafter I approached Dr. Nitin Gupte as I had heard that he provides his patients with a nutrition plus fitness plan tailor made to their lifestyle, weight and fitness goals.
This turned out to be the best decision since not only have I lost 11 kg within a quick period, but his nutrition plan has now successfully turned into a lifestyle change. His fitness routine is also simple to follow, even for all working professionals like me, who have long hours on a daily basis.
Dr. Nitin Gupte is only a WhatsApp message away every time I have any query related to my diet, even as I continue to lose more weight and reach my ideal weight till date.
All in all, I am completely content with the consultation provided by Dr. Nitin Gupte!!
I was overweight and was struggling with diabetes at an early age and my HbA1c levels were 7.8 which indicated poor diabetes control.
I found Dr. Nitin Gupte on a Facebook group and was very impressed with his writing about health on it.
I texted him immediately and got a sweet reply. He wrote back that he would call me back, n I actually got a call back in the evening.
He explained me the process, do’s n don’t of his treatment and then sent me detailed mails explaining the nature and the process of his treatment.
I enrolled for his ‘Distance Program’ and got my treatment plan. It was my normal daily food spaced better throughout day and defined precisely, plus ample milk and fruits . And I had to walk along with it daily.
I was very busy with my job plus shifting of my residence at that time but still managed to follow his prescription alright.
The result was that I was losing weight and my HbA1c levels dropped from 7.8 to 6.4, which is an excellent improvement in the levels. Diabetic HbA1c levels are 6.5 and above.
Actually it is to be understood that eating healthy is not about ‘dieting’, it is all about eating right and it’s a life long process.
Diets are always based on starvation and they can only helps us lose some weight temporarily but this weight always bounces back as soon as we stop the diet, which we anyway can’t follow for a lifetime.
I continue to follow his treatment plan well!
Also for walk I started with as low as 30 mins n now reaching a daily goal of a 10000 steps is my motto. I measure it daily. I get many compliments that I m looking younger by the day n I also feel fresh and energetic. Thank you doctor for life changing experience !
I was really worried about my daughter’s obesity.
I had heard a lot about Dr. Nitin Gupte and approached him for her weight loss.
I was worried if my daughter would be able to follow his food and exercise plan at a young age of 12 but, Dr. Gupte really made it easy.
My daughter is very happy with the food and exercise plan he gave her.
And under his guidance she has successfully lost 10 kgs in 3 months.
I am very to grateful to Dr. Gupte.
I thank him with all my heart!
I knew that I needed a lifestyle change and not one that included a certain brand of diet with a fast track weight loss! Meeting Nitin Sir and being associated with him as my health coach was the best decision I made. I have been associated with him for over three years now and have a lifetime membership where he is always just a msg or a phone call away to provide the right guidance to make healthy food choices. The best part of his coaching is a holistic approach towards health, diet and nutrition. His knowledge and understanding are unmatched. At no point in the process of achieving my health goals has this felt like a ‘diet’ … it’s simply a process of slowly executing small changes that make a huge difference!
When I joined Dr. Nitin Gupte’s program on the 2nd of Nov 2017 I was overweight at 71 kgs at 5 feet 4 inches.
I had low energy levels, fat deposits all over and general lethargy. I was regular at my gym sessions but had developed a eating disorder with episodes of starving followed by binge eating.
This is when I felt the need to change! I distinctly recall my first conversation with Dr. Nitin Gupte where he patiently heard me out and absorbed all the details of my current challenges.
His simple nutritional guidelines helped me develop a newer attitude towards slimming and fitness. I reported to him regularly and he always came back promptly with easy to implement answers to my queries and appropriate advice based on my reports and motivated me consistently, helping me get back on rails each time I got derailed a little.
After nearly two years into incorporating the regime in to my lifestyle, I am much slimmer with a much lower body fat percent. My energy levels have been high through out this period. I did suffer a bout of dengue recently, but without any associated painful side effects of this disease. This was due to high immunity levels developed over the couple of years into Dr. Gupte’s program.
I have been suffering from hypertension for 16 years and am on one tablet of Amlopress L 5 mg, prescribed by my cardiologist in Vadodara.
I was a smoker, but I quit it in 1984.
In spite of regular medication, eating moderately and exercising regularly, my blood pressure refused to come down below 150/100 and shot up to 160/110 mm at high altitudes, in Kashmir where I often work as a consultant to a hydroelectric power plant.
I joined Dr. Nitin Gupte’s ‘Hypertension Control And Prevention Program’ from Vadodara and my weight dropped from 77 kg to 65.5 kg, losing 11.5 kg and got much fitter on very normal food and regular walks morning and evening. My blood pressure dropped down to 130/90 m.m.!
Now I am confident that both my weight and my blood pressure will drop down further and my hypertension medication too will drop down to minimal!
I joined the Centre around May 2012. At just twenty three years of age, I was properly obese. I needed to slim down before I went to the US next year for my masters.
Like everyone else on the ‘In-House Program’, I was put under the care of Anand Gupte. It was Anand who helped me understand the philosophy of healthy slimming. Anand was at once my friend, philosopher and guide! He directs every workout session personally!
Absolutely healthy nutritional plan and exercises designed to suit each member and personal attention are the highlights of the ‘In-House Program’.
The whole program was thoroughly enjoyable, and I quickly lost 23 kg and I am virtually unrecognisable now! And there are many more equally successful young people under Anand’s care in my batch! Srujan has lost 26 kg while I lost 23!
Both my father and my sister had slimmed down superbly with Dr. Nitin Gupte a few years back.
So when I became truly fat at 19, weighing 105.65 kg at 5 feet 10 inches, it was natural that I was sent to Dr. Gupte. I joined Dr. Gupte’s ‘In-House Program’ on 22nd August 2012 and was put under the care of Anand Gupte.
I thoroughly enjoyed following Anand’s instructions and working out with a few other young people under his expert guidance! Ashwin, Ameya and I, all three of us lost weight in excess of 20 kg!
No starvation, no painful weight training, no injuries, just fabulous, enjoyable weight loss!
I have now lost 26 kg and still counting!
I am a twenty one year old engineering student. I weighed 107.35 kg at 5’11” and my blood pressure was very high, 160/120 m.m. of Hg.
My worried mother took me to Dr. Nitin Gupte around May end, 2013.
I was put under the care of Anand Gupte, like everyone else on this program.
What followed was amazing!
Anand put me exclusively on equipment-free cardiovascular workout, which started at an easy enough pace. I was always very comfortable from day one, without any over exertion or body ache.
I was absolutely fascinated watching a group of very fit young people my age undergoing highly enjoyable group exercises, superbly guided by Anand. I was dying to join them, but I wasn’t yet fit enough to keep pace with them.
My fitness improved very quickly, and so did the intensity, pace and variety of my workout. I was soon fit enough to join the group! It was sheer joy to work out with them!
Ashwin Joshi and Srujan Khilari, who had already lost 23 and 26 kg by the time I joined them, inspired me greatly!
I lost weight briskly, my blood pressure became absolutely normal and I reached a 26 kg loss over the next few months!
Mother and I are both very happy!
I am a Reader (Associate Professor) in maths and computer science in a Mulund college. I live alone in Thane. I weighed 122.5 kg at 6 ft height and I suffered from lack of energy, lethargy and fatigue. I badly wanted to lose weight but had a lot of limitations as I was dependent on a cook for my food and had to eat out when she wasn’t available. I also have to visit different colleges and cities, where I have to eat whatever is available. Some time there is such a huge work load that I get no time to even walk. In short, it was a no-win situation. I didn’t know how anybody could help me slim down under such hopeless circumstances.
Then my mother, who lives in Pune, suggested that I consult Dr. Nitin Gupte. So we both visited the doctor. He assured me that he could help me slim down and become healthy for a lifetime if I could change my lifestyle just that bit. He was so reassuring that I was filled with hope.
I joined Dr. Gupte’s Distance Program in December 2011. Dr. Gupte’s prescription was very easy to follow if only I were living at home in Pune with my mother. It was just normal everyday food, ample milk and fruits and walks! But I couldn’t control my life at all times.
Dr. Gupte was confident that I would slim down. I had to keep following the prescription as best as I could. I was bound to lose weight. That is what the doctor kept assuring me every time I visited him.
True to what he said, I kept losing weight steadily and without even realising that I was doing anything special. Just eat normal food and walk as best as you can! And still lose weight superbly! That is exactly the core philosophy of Dr. Gupte’s treatment.
Today I am 17 kg lighter, much healthier, fitter and much more energetic now. My movements are easy and pain free. Simple movements like bending which were difficult earlier are easily possible now. I am very happy. I am confident of becoming completely slim in a few more months!
The success of Dr. Gupte’s treatment lies in guiding a 52 years old academic like me without complete control over my food or time, to a smooth, steady weight loss and ever improving health!
It reaffirms Dr. Gupte’s assertion that only a healthy lifestyle including healthy nutrition and adequate exercise as simple as walking can give you excellent slimming! Nothing else really works!
I had hypothyroidism and PCOD and had gained 25 kg during my pregnancy. I had tried every possible treatment and many gyms. The gyms forced wrong exercises and expensive protein supplements on me. These programs only hurt my neck and back and burned a hole in my pocket. I didn’t lose any weight. I and my husband were thoroughly frustrated.
It was then that I read an article about Dr. Nitin Gupte’s work in the Times Of India. It was written by a famous doctor. We decided to give it a last try. We told Dr. Gupte that he was our last hope and we would never try any other treatment should I fail with him.
I joined Dr. Gupte’s Distance Program, as I lived at some distance from his Centre, in March 11, 2011. What followed was magical. I never knew I could eat normal everyday food and walk myself to excellent slimming. I have already lost 25 kg and am losing weight at fair pace. I never thought I would lose so much weight. I am fit, happy and healthy.
I wasted a lot of money and destroyed my health in the earlier programs. I only wish I had met Dr. Nitin Gupte earlier! It is easy to follow, a safe and sure method.
I am doing my B.E. at Islampur. My dream was to become an engineer in the Indian Army. I passed the strict entrance tests required by the army, but was declared temporarily unfit due to obesity. I was asked to reduce an incredible 15 kg in just forty three days! I was devastated. I realized that this was, in a way, a rejection. I had no doubt in my mind that this much loss would be impossible in such a short period.
Still, I went to a number of much publicized and glamorous centres. Nobody was willing to guarantee even one kg weight loss in that period, but demanded exorbitant fees which I couldn’t afford any way.Luckily I got in touch with Dr. Nitin Gupte. By then, I had only thirty days in my hand. The result was a stupendous 15 kg loss in one month, great cardiovascular fitness and an unbelievably slim body! I passed out successfully the rigid medical check up at the ‘Appeals Medical Board’ at the Command Hospital, Pune, on the allotted date. Dr. Gupte has helped me achieve an impossible dream. I have not only shocked the army doctors with my results, but even my friends failed to recognize me when I rejoined college.
I had gained a lot of weight during the first few years of my marriage and two pregnancies. Most of my aunts and cousins are obese and my mother had severe osteoporosis and arthritis. I could easily have gone their way. I had to slim down urgently to protect my health.
Although I live very close to Dr. Gupte’s Centre, I took up his Distance Program in 1990 as my sons were very young. I lost around 15 kg and slimmed down beautifully. My thin hair improved dramatically as did my skin as my nutrition and general health improved tremendously. For ten years I maintained my weight, excellent hair, skin and general health and then joined Dr. Gupte’s Centre for regular workout in 2000. I am very happy to be a regular member with his Centre ever since. I am slim for two decades now, my hair and skin are still excellent.
If you want to genuinely slim down healthily and permanently or just remain fit, slim and healthy, I will strongly recommend that you join Dr. Gupte’s Centre or take up his Distance Program. As a M.Sc. microbiologist, I can assure you that you will get only scientifically correct treatment with Dr. Gupte. Follow his prescription perfectly and you can get results as good as mine.
Simple but healthy diet plan. No gimmicks.
Very good daily follow up.
Answers to call questions during or after weight reduction time.
Obese, failed and frustrated on expensive, cold and impersonal infertility treatments, I went to Dr. Nitin Gupte on 6th of June 2017, hoping that losing weight will help me overcome infertility.
What followed was magical!
I conceived naturally within one month of beginning to live and eat healthy and walk regularly under the guidance of Dr. Gupte!
This confirms what Dr. Gupte says, most obese young ladies need only to eat and live healthy, not suffer infertility treatments, to be able to conceive naturally and swiftly!
I was working in the US for a few months after completing my MS. I was gaining weight and, alarmingly, my cholesterol had gone high. The doctors and nurses were alarmed at my report. I felt miserable and was pestering my mother, who was in India, to help me. She was also at her wit’s end and tried to guide me as best as she could, but that wasn’t enough!
When I returned home for the first time after starting the job, I consulted Dr. Nitin Gupte in Jan 09. I told him that I wanted to lose some 6 kg weight, get rid of my cholesterol problem and generally become as fresh and energetic as I found him every time I met him. I wanted him to keep me healthy and fit in the US!
Dr. Gupte planned my nutrition and exercise schedule as per my daily routine. I followed his advice very diligently and cooked my food myself. I exercised at my convenience, depending upon my workload. We kept in touch every week by e mail.
Dr. Gupte, who was Kaka to me by now, was always there for any small advice I would need. He always answered my mails immediately and would mail me himself whenever I failed to report regularly, due to heavy work.
I had a chance to return home for a short period in May-June 09 (to eat mangoes!), and was able to meet him. I was a good 7.5 kg lighter and completely slim and healthy! My cholesterol is perfectly normal now. I have found a new way of living healthy! I feel great!
My mother too is happy that I am not bothering her any more about my health!
I am so happy that I consulted him. I got every demand I made of him fulfilled!
I suffered from constant vertigo (giddiness) for 6 years. I was treated by dozens of doctors, physicians, E.N.T. surgeons and neurologists. I was obese and hypertensive. I desperately needed healthy slimming and even more importantly to get rid of my vertigo!
I first went to a much publicized, large health club. They put me on a starvation based diet, made me do lot of weights and hardly any cardiovascular workout, reprimanded me constantly when I didn’t lose weight, heaped abuse, insults and guilt on me! I became worse and left them!
I reached Dr. Nitin Gupte in a state of depression. He put me at ease first, put me on healthy nutrition and an excellent exercise schedule having ample cardiovascular component. I was personally supervised by Mrs. Gupte who always stood besides me to ensure that I did not fall off a treadmill or a cycle due to giddiness! I was treated with extreme care.
I not only lost 16 kg, but my vertigo vanished completely. My blood pressure is normal. Most importantly my whole personality has got a facelift. I am enjoying life, free of giddiness, for the first time in last 6 years. Physically, people often fail to recognize me. I am still losing weight, and by now slimming is a lifestyle for me.
I was overweight, had cervical and lumbar spondylosis and osteoarthritis knees, causing pain in the neck, lower back and knees. My blood pressure and triglycerides were high. I was physically and mentally unfit. I used to just sit around at home, doing nothing.
My only son is in merchant navy and is out of home for several months at a time. I am always alone at home when he is on a ship and that didn’t help me. My son was always worried about me when he was away on a ship. He was the one who coaxed me to join with Dr. Nitin Gupte, whose Centre was at some five minute walking distance from my home, for normal people and fifteen for unfit people like me!
With great reluctance I joined Dr. Gupte’s Centre. What followed was magical!
I lost 10 kg rapidly with Dr. Gupte, in just 2 months, my pains vanished and blood pressure and triglycerides dropped down to normal. I was always well fed and became so fit that I successfully completed ‘Amarnath Yatra’ immediately at the end of the second month, at the age of 52. On returning, I lost another 5 kg, reaching 15 kg weight loss. A year after the Amarnath yatra, I completed a trek of the ‘Valley Of Flowers’ in Aug, 2002 quite comfortably. I am planning to take up such treks regularly from here on!
I am a 24 year old girl suffering from PCOD and obesity. I had no normal periods at all and always required hormones to precipitate them. I spent a lot of money on a number of doctors, but to no avail! That is when I went to Dr. Gupte and he assured me that healthy slimming was the only treatment that could correct my PCOD. He advised me to stop taking hormones.
On joining with Dr. Gupte, I steadily lost 10 kg and my PCOD was gradually corrected. My periods became regular for the first time in my life, without taking hormones. That is when I started following Dr. Gupte’s advice more sincerely.
Now I have lost 20 kg, have slimmed down unbelievably, my skin and complexion have never been better, my hair is at its best. My confidence is high. I am not afraid of looking into the mirror anymore, in fact I love looking at it now!
I am a 25 year old girl. I was obese and desperately needed to slim down tremendously, for social as well as personal reasons. That I would be availing of Dr. Gupte’s treatment was inevitable as I was well acquainted with his results. I knew very well that it was only a matter joining his program and following his prescription for realizing my dream of being slim. And so it turned out to be. I have now lost an amazing 37 kg and 56 inches at just four levels, of which abdominal loss was 12″ and 16.5″ at just two levels. I am superbly slim, fit and perfectly healthy now. And Dr. Gupte did not reduce my food consumption at all. In fact he added a breakfast, ample milk and fruits to my original diet, which included only lunch and dinner.
If you are overweight, my advice to you is to see Dr. Gupte at your earliest and just carry out his prescription with absolute faith and dedication. And I can only assure you that following his prescription is not difficult by any stretch of imagination. All you have to do is to enjoy eating well and exercising steadily. It is only a matter of time before you slim down superbly.
I am a young house wife residing at Phaltan, Maharastra. I desperately wanted to slim down as a close relative had made some shockingly insulting remarks about my obese figure. I was very angry with this relative and was determined to slim down just to teach her a lesson. But I had no idea how I could do it.
As my parents are based in Pune, I got to know about Dr. Gupte’s Centre. Although he actually assured me that he will help me slim down equally well at Phaltan, I insisted on joining his Centre in Pune. Eventually I lost exactly 9 kg at the Centre in two months and then returned home to my little daughter and the husband. I continued to lose weight at home. I have lost 12.5 kg now and am superbly slim and tremendously fit.
Even if you do not stay at Pune, you need not despair. I am sure Dr. Gupte can still help you slim down and slimming under his guidance is not difficult at all. Just eat well, work out as per his advice and be happy and peaceful!
On a picnic, I could not move my bulk enough to play table-tennis. I realised its high time I did something about my weight. Considering my nature, I had to be successful in the first attempt. Fortunately, I did not have any other health problem.
Some 20-22 years earlier, Dr Nitin Gupte had inaugurated his fitness centre. I was in perfect shape and figure and an avid sports person; but the thoughts expressed by Dr Gupte then, were registered in my mind forever.
In the first meeting itself Dr Gupte made three points: One, wellness is more important and weight loss is incidental, two, weight loss is not a miracle and three, he advocates a permanent healthy lifestyle. He also discussed the prospective changes in me, glowing skin, general happiness, day long enthusiasm and improved alertness. I discounted 50% thinking it was a sales talk.
Within a week I realised that all Dr Gupte had said was a modest claim. Everything came true. He had actually increased my diet and I was losing weight, feeling better. I did not lose weight very fast, 5 kg in two months. Still people around me and I notice a pleasant change in me, a slimmer and agile figure. My journey towards wellness has truly begun now!
I was referred to Dr. Nitin Gupte by my physician after I suffered from a transient ischaemic attack (TIA), to lose weight.
At 61 years, I was overweight and had knee pain, hypertension, coronary heart disease and deep vein thrombosis (DVT)!
I slimmed down smoothly, losing 10 kg. My blood pressure is completely normal now and my knees pain free. I have become very fit. I am working out easily on cardiovascular equipment like treadmills and elliptical trainer.
I can give you absolute assurance that the very simple therapy Dr. Gupte recommended to me viz. healthy lifestyle, excellent nutrition; adequate cardiovascular exercise and mental peace and happiness is the only system that can slim you down and give you holistic health. This system works beautifully for the young and the old, for people without a major disease or for people with diabetes and heart disease. I have seen some people even with angioplasties and by-pass surgeries do extremely well with Dr. Gupte.
I have witnessed young boys like Viraj Chaudhari lose 18 kg in fifty days, Chinmay Gadre lose 15 kg in three months and a couple of young girls lose 25 kg each with Dr. Gupte, without compromising this system.
I had to have my uterus removed and the gynaecologist had asked me to lose weight before he could undertake the surgery. I was fifty four and physically in a completely broken down state when I reached Dr. Gupte. I had never been out of my home all my life. I could never imagine going to any professional place for such treatment. My knees and back hurt badly. I walked with a waddling, shuffling gait. My blood pressure was extremely high in spite of heavy medication. Needless to say that I was completely unfit and mentally run down. I was completely hopeless!
Dr. Gupte and his wife quickly put me at ease. I rapidly gained in confidence and fitness and was absolutely enjoying my stint with Dr. Gupte’s Centre. I walked better, started losing weight and the blood pressure started going down. By the end of 8 kg weight loss my gynaecologist decided that we need not remove the uterus as the bleeding had stopped. I lost 12 kg, my blood pressure became perfectly normal (with minimal mandatory medication) and my pains have almost completely vanished. Now I am very fit, healthy and happy! It was a wonderful experience being with Mrs. Maya Gupte (who must get a lot of credit for my results) and Dr. Nitin Gupte.
My son Viraj was 18 when he was selected as a cadet by a famous US shipping company. He had to undergo a medical check up before joining a ship on his first voyage.
Out of the blue, the medical officer of the company told him that he could not join until he had lost 18 kg weight. Although he had always been overweight all his life, we had no idea that he may be rejected for his weight. He had eagerly waited for one whole year, after completing his cadet course, for this call. Luckily, we knew how Onkar had lost 15 kg with Dr. Gupte in one month. So we ran to Dr. Gupte first thing on reaching home (Pune).
Viraj amazingly lost 18 kg in fifty days with Dr. Gupte. My son achieved a nearly impossible feat under Dr. Gupte’s guidance; became extremely fit, healthy and slimmer than he ever was all his life. The company and its doctor were absolutely amazed at how anybody could lose so much weight so quickly and still look so good, without a wrinkle on the face.
Viraj joined ship. He is enjoying himself tremendously, in spite of working very hard, even working for 18 hours on occasions. The new health and fitness he acquired with Dr. Gupte has helped him survive the rigours of the life of a cadet on a ship.
There are some recent results which I want to write about, but haven’t the permission to disclose the identity of these people under my care, just yet!
In August 2017, a senior executive of a multinational tractor manufacturing company approached me with his obese 17 year old son. The placid looking, pleasant faced lad, studying law, weighed 129.25 kg at 5’ 7”.
He began reporting fairly well and lost weight quickly for a couple of months, but then his reporting gradually became sporadic. But he always responded promptly each time I inquired about his progress. He continued to lose weight steadily, even around the exam days.
The father and son duo visited me infrequently, primarily because of the distance they had to travel, from Hadapsar to Law College Road.
The boy weighed 129.5 kg on 5th August 2017, 125.5 kg on 4th November 2017, 114.5 kg on 6th January 2018 and 108 kg on 8th September 2018.
And finally on 2nd January 2019, he had reached 96 kg, a total weight loss of 33.5 kg!
This is an outstanding achievement by any standards, much more so, for a now 18 year old youngster.
I asked the father if he could give me a testimonial of his son’s achievement with me, so it could give hope to a few more parents and inspire a few more youngsters to get slim and healthy. He has promised to give me one, but only after his son achieves 40 kg weight loss!
Hopefully, I will be able to post his testimonial on this page in a few months.
In July 2014, a lady from Hyderabad joined my ‘Distance Program’.
She had told me at the outset that she had two three-week trips planned and would be traveling on holidays. But that was no big problem on our program as one can eat sensibly even when on holidays in India or abroad.
She started very well, eating healthy and working out as planned and reported everyday, regularly. I didn’t have to invest much effort in correcting or counselling her. She started losing weight smoothly, if not too quickly, and was very happy with her progress and the much improved fitness and overall health!
She had both her vacations and enjoyed eating the local food both in India and abroad, and still returned without gaining any weight.
She is a working lady and works out very much at home on a domestic cross trainer.
Then a tragedy struck without warning. She lost a close relative to a swiftly striking cancer. She mustered the emotional strength to resume our plan four months later, one month after the sad demise of this relative.
Since then, she has lost weight gradually, reaching 25 kg weight loss and counting. She needs to lose another 2 to 3 kg to be perfectly slim and we are both confident that she will reach the goal successfully in months to come!
Her case is unique in a way. She has no connection with Pune and I have none to Hyderabad. So she may never meet me personally!
I have never treated anyone without ever meeting them!
I hope to meet her some day!
On the 2nd January 2013, a mid thirties young lady from Pune, joined my ‘Distance Program’. She suffered from depression and had gained a lot of weight because of the long term medication for the condition.
She was very lethargic and shy and it was very difficult to get her to communicate. But her husband, an IT professional, was extremely supportive and he was the real bridge between us.
The progress was slow, she didn’t have a smart phone, so daily communication on WhatsApp was not possible. She wouldn’t answer my phone calls, or reply to my mails herself and always waited for her husband to reach home and call back or reply to me! Visits too were limited as they lived at some distance from the clinic, in the Southern periphery of the city and they could visit only when she was in a mood to visit!
So I started calling the husband directly whenever they hadn’t reported for a while.But she was fine whenever she visited. She had improved a lot over the period of months, she looked more cheerful and more eager to visit me than in the beginning.
In the meantime she got herself a smart phone but still refused communicate on her own.
She had lost some 10 kg when the couple visited me last. And then there was little communication from them and no visits!
Somewhere around the mid 2016, a young businessman around the same age, coaxed me into forming a WhatsApp group of some of the people on my ‘Distance Program’, so those on the group could communicate with each other, inspire each other and feel less lonely, being connected only to me!
While I was looking up my contact list, to check who might be suitable to be requested to join the group, I saw her contact and she looked strikingly slim in her display picture! I messaged her and to my great surprise, she got back immediately. She told me that she had lost 18 kg till then! I was stunned but delighted!
I asked her if she would like to join our group and she accepted readily! Obviously, she had not only lost weight and looked great, but had also gained in confidence immeasurably! She sounded cheerful and eager! She seems to have overcome her depression completely!
It gives me great pleasure when I can contribute to such magical transformation in the whole personality of a person under my care, though the major credit must go to her extremely supportive husband! I am sure he was her real inspiration, I was merely the guide!
Most amazingly, the young lady, who was herself a victim of severe postpartum depression for years, is now so transformed that she now works in an assistant to a famous psychiatrist and has enrolled herself for MA Psychology.
Her contribution to our group has been invaluable, if not profuse! She once gave a gem of an advice to the others on the group, telling them to focus on the process of healthy living and not on the results, they, she wrote, follow automatically if one followed the process!
Then one day, responding to my half hearted request, I didn’t expect her to comply, she posted her pictures before joining me and after losing 18 kg, without waiting for her husband’s consent! Expectedly, the group applauded wholeheartedly!
She has graciously permitted me to show her pictures to people visiting me, but not to share them! This is at a time when even young men avoid sharing their testimonials on our website!
People visiting me for inquiry are stunned to see the beautiful transformation! She has changed unrecognisably, much more poised, confident and prettier, with a new hairstyle and minus her glasses!
The group, in turn, inspired her to go a step further! In early December 2016, she quietly announced another three kg loss, reaching 21 kg in all!
It is my endeavour to help people learn to live healthy for a lifetime, so they continue to slim down optimally and become healthy for a lifetime. This is really a process and not a temporary adventure into dieting or exercising mindlessly! This lady is living this process perfectly, so time is of no consequence!
One day around the 10th of January 2016, I received a feedback form from an IT engineer in Frankfurt, Germany. As is the normal procedure, I told him to call me personally for more information. He called exactly as scheduled. It was a very cordial call and It was very apparent that the young man had made up his mind to join me straight away. And so it turned out.
He told me that he was from Satara and both his parents were doctors, and that he wanted to lose 7 or 8 kg to protect himself from a strong family history of diabetes.
He joined me without wasting any time. The whole process was very quick. Looking up the records, I see the date of my prescription to be the 12th of January 2016.
He quickly settled into our program, reporting daily on WhatsApp, gaining fitness quickly and losing weight steadily. He reached his target of losing 8 kg in a few months.
He was due to visit home in July, as he does every year and he arrived as scheduled. We had planned not to miss meeting each other when he did!
He had expected to gain weight when holidaying at home. But he continued to walk and lost another kg during the visit!
And we met as planned. It was a very pleasant meeting as was the young man himself! He had lost 11.5 kg by then and looked perfectly slim and handsome!
He returned to Frankfurt a few days later only to report having lost another 2.5 kg, a total of 14 kg a few weeks later, surprising me a little because I thought he looked perfectly slim when we had met.
It was on 25th November 2016 that he reported having lost a total of 16 kg! I don’t expect him to lose any more. He has done everything possible to protect himself from his family history of diabetes!
For over thirty years, I had the great opportunity to meet and help a very large number of people all over the world, all Indians of course, get slim and healthy. For over the first decade and a half, computers, internet, websites or mobiles were not available to common people. So no testimonials of the successful people of that period are available now. Most are not traceable now, many are too old, some, I hear every now and then, when their children or relatives visit me for their own treatment, have passed away. But vivid memories remain! Here I intend to present a few results from the archives of my memories, some with real names, some, especially young ladies with pregnancy related issues, with changed names, for obvious reasons!
Thirty years ago, Mr. Vijay Naik, a mid thirties merchant navy officer from Mumbai visited me with his little daughter.
He had put on a lot of weight in the last few years. His worried wife was after him for a while, to visit Pune, her maternal home town, and consult me to lose weight. Her parent’s neighbour had lost a lot of weight and overcome his hypertension with me, a few months ago, in the first year of my practice.
She had also read my first published article in a then very popular Marathi magazine, ‘Kirloskar’, with a readership in lacs, thirty years back!
He kept avoiding visiting Pune, till one day, he dropped unconscious in his company office and had to be hospitalised for a few days. His blood pressure had shot up very high and he was lucky to have survived without a stroke or a heart attack, though both were imminent!
That shook him up badly.
Those were different times, no computers, no internet, no websites, no mobiles! You had to book a ‘trunk call’ from ‘Bombay’ to ‘Poona’ on phones, now labelled as land lines, even STD facility came a few years later.
So he had no option but to visit me.
He decided to visit Pune on the pretext of dropping off his daughter with his in laws, for the summer vacations, and consult me without informing his wife, before boarding his ship. He wanted to slim down while he was on ship and surprise his wife!
He requested me not to tell his wife, lest she called me. She had my land line numbers.
And he was absolutely fabulous. He lost 18 kg on ship before flying home. His still anxious wife was waiting to receive her pot bellied husband at the airport.
Instead she was furious to find a slim, albeit funnily dressed man wearing a colourful Caribbean T shirt, Bermudas, and a big hat and large sun glasses standing in front of her. She was shocked beyond imagination when he removed his sun glasses.
She was so greatly surprised and overjoyed that she insisted on him taking her to Pune to visit me immediately.
The happy couple visited me the same day! Vijay continued to visit me every few years and we met one last time when he retired a few years back!
Ms. Manisha Ghate (name changed due to the sensitive nature of the personal information), an obese young bank employee came to me, she had just lost a baby, who was born abnormal, with many congenital defects and had no chance of survival any way.
The facility of anomaly scan sonography came years later.
Doctors had warned her that the next baby also could be abnormal if she got pregnant without losing weight.
What followed was a magnificent thirty two kg weight loss! The now perfectly slim and healthy twenty eight year old went ahead and had a perfectly normal baby boy!
The extremely happy couple visited me when the baby was a few months old to express their joy and gratitude.
Needless to say, such cases give immense joy and satisfaction to me.
Some eight years ago, the daughter in law of a famous construction family in Western Pune, was referred to me by a top infertility expert of the city. She had a history of nine miscarriages followed by failure to conceive (secondary infertility). Top gynaecologists and extensive Ayurvedic treatments had failed, before she was finally sent to me to lose weight!
Naturally the then twenty eight year old was despondent and depressed. But basically a cheerful girl, I had little problem in putting her at ease and convincing her that we were going to win!
Her entire treatment fell in place quickly and she promptly lost 18 kg and conceived naturally, went through a smooth and safe pregnancy and became a happy mother!
And she needed no intervention by her gynaecologist throughout this period, except for delivering the baby!Months later, she returned to me to lose some weight that she had gained during pregnancy and lactation, totally unwarranted, I could have prevented it, had she consulted me during this period.
But we knocked it off easily enough.
During this period I had an early forties couple, who visited me from Kolhapur, for the same problem, obesity induced infertility and failure of all treatments for nearly two decades.
This girl happened to be at my clinic at the time they visited me.
I introduced her to them. She readily told them her story and said that her fight against infertility and miscarriages was not so successful just because she lost all that weight, but it was also because, she felt very reassured in her first meeting with me and soon her gloom was replaced by cheerful confidence in the benefits of losing the basic cause of her problems, obesity!
Undoubtedly a happy mind helped her overcome her problem as much as eating healthy, exercising and losing all those eighteen kg!
Unfortunately the Kolhapur lady never joined me. I would definitely have helped her lose weight, but only to get healthy, not to conceive, as pregnancy this late is never an easy venture!
When Jaspreet Kaur (name changed for privacy reasons), 22, a fresh young engineering graduate, came to me with her father, he was very reluctant to have her join my Distance Program. The reason was that she had badly hurt her neck lifting heavy weights in one of the world’s premier chain of gyms, located in Aundh! An orthopaedic surgeon advised her to stop the gym immediately. She was always tired and had a lot of body pain. She, I later learned, had failed at numerous programs. I can fully understand the plight of a father who had spent a lot of money and instead of his daughter slimming down, was only hurting herself. She was always so tired that she couldn’t study for her competitive exams.
Luckily, the father took the decision of allowing his daughter to join our Distance Program. He soon realized that Jaspreet was losing weight happily, smoothly and effortlessly and feeling fresh and energetic, on excellent, every day food and plain walks!
Jaspreet’s mother is a diabetic and her weight and blood sugar were climbing alarmingly and the endocrinologist treating her for diabetes was pressing her hard to start taking insulin injections. Three weeks after Jaspreet joined me, Ms. Amandeep Kaur, the mother, was coaxed into joining my Distance Program by the daughter, father duo!
Jaspreet lost 22 kg and got rid of her neck pain and the mother 16 kg and her blood sugar dropped down to normal, even without insulin! You can imagine how happy the family must have been!
In my over three decade practice, I have had only three people who lost over 50 kg weight with me.
Dilip Jadhav tops the trio with a staggering 56 kg weight loss!
I meant to tell his story for some time now. Here it is at last!
When the very unlikely looking duo visited me in the early days of my practice, three decades ago, little did I imagine that their visit was to be a milestone, perhaps the most singular, the most extraordinary, milestone of my practice!
One of the two, who had brought his friend, amongst the most obese people to have ever visited me, was a simple, uncouth looking young man, who did all the talking, inquiring about my helping his friend lose weight, a lot of weight, in a small village along the Khambatki ghats on Pune Satara road, Khandala, in Satara district.
The obese friend uttered only one sentence three times but I couldn’t understand his dialect, though the language was Marathi! It was only when his friend explained to me that he was saying, “Doctor, help me get married” that I could put meaning to his utterance!
Getting a bride at 133 kg, and a height of 5′ 2″ (160 cm) wasn’t easy, even in a village, even thirty years back!
I had no real hope. Getting a barely educated rural youth to lose forty or fifty kg when regular communication was impossible, was always going to be very difficult.
But I hadn’t reckoned with his burning desire to conquer his obesity. Getting married was a strong motivator.
The fees were negligible thirty years back. I don’t even remember if he could afford them then. But fees have never been the problem.
I decided to take him up.What followed was nothing short of a miracle! He just melted away, losing big, month after month as he met me every month. In one such meeting, he came in and straight away touched my feet, a little to my discomfort, he was my age, but by then we shared a warm relationship. I asked him if he had gotten married, without inviting me!
Yes, he had done both, gotten married and hadn’t had the time to invite me!
I expected that he would stop losing weight then, already a huge 33 kg slimmer than when we started!
But he neither stopped losing weight briskly, nor his monthly visits, till he had lost 56 kg, which continues to be the record for my practice.
After his incredible achievement, believe me, far more educated obese people wouldn’t be able to achieve this kind of results, Dilip insisted that I place an ad in ‘Sakal’, Pune’s largest circulation Marathi daily, about his losing 56 kg and place the name of his community in bracket after his name! He wished to send a message to his community that they too could achieve something as big as he had done! I had to oblige!
Those were early days of my practice and like now, I hardly advertised!
Very regrettably, Dilip, now a folklore figure for me, had gone out of my contact as suddenly as he had come to me, a year ago! He was never to have graced me with his presence there after!
But before going off my contact, he gave me three of his photographs, snapped in a photo studio by the name ‘Ahireshwar Prasanna’, in his village, Ahireshwar being a temple in the neighbouring village ‘Ahir’! Two of those photographs we could put up on the ‘Results’ page of my first website, a decade later. They were too old and have been taken down since, in the newer websites.
Those were the days when there were no PCs, no internet, no mobiles. Even land lines were rare, you had to book and wait for years to get one! Dilip didn’t have one. So there was no way I could get in touch with him unless he visited me again!
Ruefully, Dilip never did. I would have been delighted if he had or if he visits me even now!
Dilip always carried one grouse against me, that I never visited his hotel, somewhere in the vicinity of the Khandala ghat road, on my way to Mahabaleshwar or back, in my regular trips to the very convenient hill station, our favourite holiday destination.
Did he vanish because he was very hurt because I never took a halt at his hotel to meet him on my way?
For years people from nearby villages kept calling me, referring to Dilip, everyone told me that he continued to be very slim.
Then a year back, I got a call from an early thirties young lady from Stavenger, Norway! She told me that she was the then three year old daughter of a lady doctor who was the immediate neighbour of Dilip in Khandala. She also confirmed that he is still very slim.
And although I continued to request all these people to tell Dilip to contact me, I have failed to reach him!
I hope to meet him some day and get him to tell me his story himself, so I could put up his actual testimonial on this page!
It was in the late nineteen eighty six that Ms Nilakhe, a senior lady from Baramati visited me. She told me that she had lost her husband recently and that she had wound up her property in Baramati and was going to join her sons in the US and didn’t know when she would return.
But, she said that, her biggest worry was her lazy, obese, twenty five year old nephew, the son of her brother in Mumbai, who had yet not cleared his graduation. Her brother was due to retire in a couple of years and she was worried how the brother’s family would survive after two years.
She wanted me to help this lad get slim and fit to overcome his laziness and finish his education and get a decent job.
I told her that I would take him up only after I met him once!
She agreed to bring him in her next visit. She also added that I must take all the fees from her before she left, and that nobody would pay me a ‘pai’ (a proverbial penny) once she left.
She brought her twenty five year old nephew, Sandeep Devare, to me the following week. The young man looked carefree, if not outright irresponsible! He demanded to know why he should lose weight, what his ‘atya’ (aunt) would give him if he lost weight! She asked him what he wanted. He demanded a two in one cassette player, a novelty in those days! She promised to send one to him and one to me, I wasn’t much older than him, if he slimmed down! So he joined with me.
Ms Nilakhe left for the US soon and I was never to meet her again.
Sandeep met me twice in the next two months losing eight kg and promptly vanished! There was no means of communicating with him, other than writing a letter! He didn’t have a (landline) phone and internet and mobiles were decades away!
In the month of June next year, I shifted to my own, brand new clinic premises on Law College Road in Pune. A few days after shifting, I walked up to our floor, the elevator hadn’t been fitted yet, and was called into his office by a neighbour. I entered his office for a brief, casual chat and was standing inside his office with my back to the glass door of the office.
Moments later, I heard a gentle tap on the door behind me. I turned to look back, ready to step back to let the person in and I nearly jumped out of my skin! I have never been so utterly surprised by any sight in my life, either before or after that moment!
On the other side of the glass stood a stunningly slim Sandeep, decked in a floral shirt and jeans, looking absolutely debonair!
He had lost another 28 kg since he last met me, 36 kg in all! Down from 107 to 71 kg at about 5 ft 9 in height!
I have never seen anyone under my care after losing a whopping 28 kg without meeting me! That’s why I was so astounded to see him!
And he had not only cleared his graduation but had also secured himself a seat in an MBA college!
Again, like Dilip, I never met Sandeep again, but his last appearance has been etched in my memory!
Incidentally, Sandeep got his two in one, I didn’t!
Also read what doctors say about us on the ‘Doctors Recommend Us’ link on this website. All the contact details are available on the ‘Contact Us’ page of this website.