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Overcoming PCOS And PCOD: The Role Of Weight Loss in Fertility Treatment!

And Effect of Weight Loss On PCOS, PCOD And Infertility! It is a well known fact that obesity is closely... read more

Why Eat Nuts With Skin?

The Health Benefits Of The Nut Skin! The skin of all nuts including almonds, walnuts, pistachios, cashew nuts, hazelnuts, pecans... read more

Effect Of Soaking On Cereals, Pulses And Nuts!

Soaking Cereals, Pulses And Nuts In Water! Soaking cereals, pulses and nuts is a common precooking practice and it has several... read more

Significance Of Wheat, Gluten Intolerance, Celiac Disease And Wheat Allergy!

Understanding The Significance of Wheat And The Conditions It Can Cause! Wheat is the second largest cultivated cereal crop of... read more

Acanthosis Nigricans: Dark, Thickened, Velvety Patches On The Skin!

Acanthosis Nigricans, Insulin Resistance And Pre Diabetes! Development of dark, thickened, often slightly raised and velvety patches on the skin... read more

Dangers of Low Carbohydrate Diets!

Carbohydrates Are Essential To Health! Our food is composed of the following nutrients: carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals and water. Each... read more

Milk Indigestion, Lactose Intolerance, The A2 milk And The Gir Cow Milk Story!

The Causes Of Milk Indigestion and Their Solutions! Many people cannot tolerate milk and milk products. They develop varying degrees of... read more

Dangers Of Fast Food

Fast Food Or Junk Food Are Harmful To Health! Fast food or junk food are foods that are loaded with... read more


February 2025

Overcoming PCOS And PCOD: The Role Of Weight Loss in Fertility Treatment!

And Effect of Weight Loss On PCOS, PCOD And Infertility!

It is a well known fact that obesity is closely associated with or is one of the major causes of PCOS and PCOD, miscarriages and primary and secondary infertility.

PCOS is a metabolic, endocrine and systemic disorder that is not limited to the ovaries.

It is characterised by insulin resistance, raised levels of insulin, androgens and LH, and reproductive dysfunction.

Excess weight increases insulin levels and insulin resistance and this leads to raised levels of androgens and LH and exacerbates PCOS.

PCOD on the other hand is considered more a lifestyle and ovarian disorder and less a systemic disorder than PCOS but it also is characterised by insulin resistance and androgen excesses, but it does not feature raised LH levels.

Another feature that differentiates between the two is inflammation. Inflammation is seen PCOS but not in PCOD.

Obesity is known to cause menstrual irregularities, poor or complete absence of ovulation, lowered chances of conception, increased chances of miscarriages, increased risk of complications during pregnancy and child birth.

In short, it means that many a young women are deprived of natural motherhood only because they are overweight or obese.

Losing a even a small amount of weight, as little as five per cent, will help their periods become regular, ovulation to improve, dramatically improve their chances of conceiving naturally, having a safe pregnancy without miscarriages and a safe delivery and having a healthy child.

Research has proved that even five per cent drop in body weight of obese young women has helped them drop an average of eleven per cent of their abdominal fat, reduced their waist circumference measurements by four cm, increased their insulin sensitivity by an amazing seventy one per cent, lowered their insulin, android and LH levels and improved the hormonal environment in their bodies, restored their regular menstruation and ovulation and improved their pregnancy rates.

Balanced nutrition, focusing on complex carbohydrates and avoiding simple carbohydrates and including anti inflammatory foods in daily diet improves the insulin sensitivity, lowers insulin levels and insulin resistance.

Eating healthy and exercising regularly helps weight loss, lowers insulin resistance, lowers androgens and LH levels and helps reverse both PCOS and PCOD.

Regular exercise improves insulin sensitivity of muscles and lowers insulin levels which in turn lowers the androgen and LH levels in PCOS and androgen levels in PCOD.

Both conditions and especially PCOS is often treated with medications like metformin and oral contraceptives with either oestrogen and progestin combined pills or progestin alone pills and medicines to stimulate ovulation and others to treat other symptoms of PCOS.

Lifestyle changes offer long-term benefits for managing symptoms and preventing complications, whereas medications often provide temporary relief and may need to be taken continuously to maintain their effects.

Irrespective of whether it is PCOS or PCOD, eating healthy, beginning to exercise and losing weight usually corrects the cycles and reverses the conditions.


This is exactly the treatment we offer for overweight or obese young ladies suffering infertility due to PCOS and PCOD.

We have inspired and helped a large number of young ladies adapt healthy, balanced nutrition and exercise as a lifestyle and lose weight to overcome their obesity, PCOS or PCOD and infertility not only in Pune, but all over the world!

Also read the articles’Health Problems Of The Young: PCOS and PCOD!’ And ‘Slim Women Are Healthy Women’ on this website.

Why Eat Nuts With Skin?

The Health Benefits Of The Nut Skin!

The skin of all nuts including almonds, walnuts, pistachios, cashew nuts, hazelnuts, pecans and also peanuts has a wealth of nutrition and we stand to lose this invaluable nutrition if we eat them without their skin.

Although cashew nuts are majorly sold minus their skin, they are also available with skin. It is healthier if we eat them with the skin.

Many people eat almonds after soaking and removing their skin, but this practice is robbing them of valuable nutrition.

Nut skin is rich in fibre, mostly insoluble fibre.

Many people know that nuts have ample fibre, what few know is that most of it is present in the skin and only fraction of it is in the nut proper.

Insoluble fibre slows down digestion of food and improves its satiety and prevents over eating.

It also slows down absorption of sugar from the carbohydrates in the food, helping control blood sugar levels, helps digestion and facilitates passage of stools out of the body, preventing constipation and helps keep the bacterial flora in the intestines healthy. This healthy bacterial flora helps digestion.

Nut skin is also rich in various antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

Almond: The brown skin of almonds are rich in polyphenols (antioxidants), such as flavonoids and phenolic acids. It also has trace amounts of vitamin E and minerals like magnesium, calcium and potassium.

Walnuts: The thin, papery skin of walnuts has tannins (antioxidants) and polyphenols and is also packed with essential minerals like copper and manganese.

Pistachios: The greenish-purple skin of pistachios is rich in carotenoids, anthocyanins, and phenolic compounds and it also provides vitamins (B6) and minerals like potassium and magnesium.

Cashew nuts: Cashew nut skin is rich in flavonoids and also provides trace minerals like magnesium and zinc.

Hazelnuts: The brown skin of hazelnuts is rich in powerful antioxidants viz. proanthocyanidins and provide vitamins like E and minerals like manganese and copper.

Pecans: The skin of pecans contains ellagic acid and other phenolic compounds and essential minerals like manganese and zinc.

Peanuts: Peanut skin is rich in fibre and polyphenols like resveratrol. It is also known to have Vitamin E and biotin (B7), niacin (B3), folate (B9), thiamine (B1), and riboflavin (B2). It also has minerals like magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron. Peanut skin also has small amounts of proteins and healthy fats, including essential fatty acids.

Health Benefits of Antioxidants:

Antioxidant reduce Oxidative Stress: Protects cells from free radical damage.

 Lower Risk of Chronic Diseases: Reduces inflammation and supports heart, brain, and immune health.

Promotes Healthy Aging: Protects skin and other tissues from aging effects.

Improves Eye Health: Carotenoids like lutein and zeaxanthin support vision.

Health benefits of vitamins and minerals:

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant.

Vitamins C and E strengthen immunity.

Essential vitamins and minerals support overall health, enhance nutrient intake and

bolster immune function.

A note of caution:

Eat nuts moderately. They are high fat and high calorie and can cause weight gain.

Do not snack on them indiscriminately.

Tannins work as antioxidants in moderate amounts, but can interfere with nutrient

absorption if consumed in large quantities.

Also read the article ’Lots Of Cheese And Nuts Won’t Make You Slim!


Overcoming PCOS And PCOD: The Role Of Weight Loss in Fertility Treatment!

And Effect of Weight Loss On PCOS, PCOD And Infertility!

It is a well known fact that obesity is closely associated with or is one of the major causes of PCOS and PCOD, miscarriages and primary and secondary infertility.

PCOS is a metabolic, endocrine and systemic disorder that is not limited to the ovaries.

It is characterised by insulin resistance, raised levels of insulin, androgens and LH, and reproductive dysfunction.

Excess weight increases insulin levels and insulin resistance and this leads to raised levels of androgens and LH and exacerbates PCOS.

PCOD on the other hand is considered more a lifestyle and ovarian disorder and less a systemic disorder than PCOS but it also is characterised by insulin resistance and androgen excesses, but it does not feature raised LH levels.

Another feature that differentiates between the two is inflammation. Inflammation is seen PCOS but not in PCOD.

Obesity is known to cause menstrual irregularities, poor or complete absence of ovulation, lowered chances of conception, increased chances of miscarriages, increased risk of complications during pregnancy and child birth.

In short, it means that many a young women are deprived of natural motherhood only because they are overweight or obese.

Losing a even a small amount of weight, as little as five per cent, will help their periods become regular, ovulation to improve, dramatically improve their chances of conceiving naturally, having a safe pregnancy without miscarriages and a safe delivery and having a healthy child.

Research has proved that even five per cent drop in body weight of obese young women has helped them drop an average of eleven per cent of their abdominal fat, reduced their waist circumference measurements by four cm, increased their insulin sensitivity by an amazing seventy one per cent, lowered their insulin, android and LH levels and improved the hormonal environment in their bodies, restored their regular menstruation and ovulation and improved their pregnancy rates.

Balanced nutrition, focusing on complex carbohydrates and avoiding simple carbohydrates and including anti inflammatory foods in daily diet improves the insulin sensitivity, lowers insulin levels and insulin resistance.

Eating healthy and exercising regularly helps weight loss, lowers insulin resistance, lowers androgens and LH levels and helps reverse both PCOS and PCOD.

Regular exercise improves insulin sensitivity of muscles and lowers insulin levels which in turn lowers the androgen and LH levels in PCOS and androgen levels in PCOD.

Both conditions and especially PCOS is often treated with medications like metformin and oral contraceptives with either oestrogen and progestin combined pills or progestin alone pills and medicines to stimulate ovulation and others to treat other symptoms of PCOS.

Lifestyle changes offer long-term benefits for managing symptoms and preventing complications, whereas medications often provide temporary relief and may need to be taken continuously to maintain their effects.

Irrespective of whether it is PCOS or PCOD, eating healthy, beginning to exercise and losing weight usually corrects the cycles and reverses the conditions.


This is exactly the treatment we offer for overweight or obese young ladies suffering infertility due to PCOS and PCOD.

We have inspired and helped a large number of young ladies adapt healthy, balanced nutrition and exercise as a lifestyle and lose weight to overcome their obesity, PCOS or PCOD and infertility not only in Pune, but all over the world!

Also read the articles’Health Problems Of The Young: PCOS and PCOD!’ And ‘Slim Women Are Healthy Women’ on this website.

Why Eat Nuts With Skin?

The Health Benefits Of The Nut Skin!

The skin of all nuts including almonds, walnuts, pistachios, cashew nuts, hazelnuts, pecans and also peanuts has a wealth of nutrition and we stand to lose this invaluable nutrition if we eat them without their skin.

Although cashew nuts are majorly sold minus their skin, they are also available with skin. It is healthier if we eat them with the skin.

Many people eat almonds after soaking and removing their skin, but this practice is robbing them of valuable nutrition.

Nut skin is rich in fibre, mostly insoluble fibre.

Many people know that nuts have ample fibre, what few know is that most of it is present in the skin and only fraction of it is in the nut proper.

Insoluble fibre slows down digestion of food and improves its satiety and prevents over eating.

It also slows down absorption of sugar from the carbohydrates in the food, helping control blood sugar levels, helps digestion and facilitates passage of stools out of the body, preventing constipation and helps keep the bacterial flora in the intestines healthy. This healthy bacterial flora helps digestion.

Nut skin is also rich in various antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

Almond: The brown skin of almonds are rich in polyphenols (antioxidants), such as flavonoids and phenolic acids. It also has trace amounts of vitamin E and minerals like magnesium, calcium and potassium.

Walnuts: The thin, papery skin of walnuts has tannins (antioxidants) and polyphenols and is also packed with essential minerals like copper and manganese.

Pistachios: The greenish-purple skin of pistachios is rich in carotenoids, anthocyanins, and phenolic compounds and it also provides vitamins (B6) and minerals like potassium and magnesium.

Cashew nuts: Cashew nut skin is rich in flavonoids and also provides trace minerals like magnesium and zinc.

Hazelnuts: The brown skin of hazelnuts is rich in powerful antioxidants viz. proanthocyanidins and provide vitamins like E and minerals like manganese and copper.

Pecans: The skin of pecans contains ellagic acid and other phenolic compounds and essential minerals like manganese and zinc.

Peanuts: Peanut skin is rich in fibre and polyphenols like resveratrol. It is also known to have Vitamin E and biotin (B7), niacin (B3), folate (B9), thiamine (B1), and riboflavin (B2). It also has minerals like magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron. Peanut skin also has small amounts of proteins and healthy fats, including essential fatty acids.

Health Benefits of Antioxidants:

Antioxidant reduce Oxidative Stress: Protects cells from free radical damage.

 Lower Risk of Chronic Diseases: Reduces inflammation and supports heart, brain, and immune health.

Promotes Healthy Aging: Protects skin and other tissues from aging effects.

Improves Eye Health: Carotenoids like lutein and zeaxanthin support vision.

Health benefits of vitamins and minerals:

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant.

Vitamins C and E strengthen immunity.

Essential vitamins and minerals support overall health, enhance nutrient intake and

bolster immune function.

A note of caution:

Eat nuts moderately. They are high fat and high calorie and can cause weight gain.

Do not snack on them indiscriminately.

Tannins work as antioxidants in moderate amounts, but can interfere with nutrient

absorption if consumed in large quantities.

Also read the article ’Lots Of Cheese And Nuts Won’t Make You Slim!

Effect Of Soaking On Cereals, Pulses And Nuts!

Soaking Cereals, Pulses And Nuts In Water!

Soaking cereals, pulses and nuts is a common precooking practice and it has several benefits and one notable drawback.


Soaking reduces certain anti nutritional factors like phytic acid, tannins and trypsin inhibitors those can inhibit and reduce the absorption of some minerals like calcium, iron and zinc available in cereals, pulses and nuts.

Soaking helps break down carbohydrates and proteins making them easier to digest.

It activates digestive enzymes like amylases and proteases.

Amylases, produced by salivary glands and pancreas help breakdown complex carbohydrates into simple sugars like maltose and glucose.

Proteases like pepsin produced in stomach and trypsin, chymotrypsin produced in pancreas (trypsin, chymotrypsin), and lysosomal proteases produced in cells help breakdown complex protein molecules into smaller protein molecules and amino acids.

Water absorption during soaking softens the outer layer of grains and nuts, reducing the cooking time and makes cereals and pulses less brittle and improves taste.

It removes some undesirable flavours like bitterness from pulses and nuts and improves their taste.

Longer soaking initiates germination and improves their nutritional value, notably Vitamin C and further reduces anti nutritional factors in the grains and also enhances enzymatic activity that improves digestibility of the grains.

It helps remove contaminants like dirt, debris, and pesticide residues, making them safer to consume.

Discarding the soaking water helps remove anti nutrients and impurities.


Some water soluble vitamins like the B vitamins and C and certain minerals may be leached into the discarded water and are lost in soaking.


Overall, soaking is a beneficial practice that enhances the usability and nutritional value of cereals, pulses, and nuts, although some nutrient loss is also incurred in throwing away the soaking water.

Also read the article ’Basics Of Nutrition’ on this website.


Overcoming PCOS And PCOD: The Role Of Weight Loss in Fertility Treatment!

And Effect of Weight Loss On PCOS, PCOD And Infertility!

It is a well known fact that obesity is closely associated with or is one of the major causes of PCOS and PCOD, miscarriages and primary and secondary infertility.

PCOS is a metabolic, endocrine and systemic disorder that is not limited to the ovaries.

It is characterised by insulin resistance, raised levels of insulin, androgens and LH, and reproductive dysfunction.

Excess weight increases insulin levels and insulin resistance and this leads to raised levels of androgens and LH and exacerbates PCOS.

PCOD on the other hand is considered more a lifestyle and ovarian disorder and less a systemic disorder than PCOS but it also is characterised by insulin resistance and androgen excesses, but it does not feature raised LH levels.

Another feature that differentiates between the two is inflammation. Inflammation is seen PCOS but not in PCOD.

Obesity is known to cause menstrual irregularities, poor or complete absence of ovulation, lowered chances of conception, increased chances of miscarriages, increased risk of complications during pregnancy and child birth.

In short, it means that many a young women are deprived of natural motherhood only because they are overweight or obese.

Losing a even a small amount of weight, as little as five per cent, will help their periods become regular, ovulation to improve, dramatically improve their chances of conceiving naturally, having a safe pregnancy without miscarriages and a safe delivery and having a healthy child.

Research has proved that even five per cent drop in body weight of obese young women has helped them drop an average of eleven per cent of their abdominal fat, reduced their waist circumference measurements by four cm, increased their insulin sensitivity by an amazing seventy one per cent, lowered their insulin, android and LH levels and improved the hormonal environment in their bodies, restored their regular menstruation and ovulation and improved their pregnancy rates.

Balanced nutrition, focusing on complex carbohydrates and avoiding simple carbohydrates and including anti inflammatory foods in daily diet improves the insulin sensitivity, lowers insulin levels and insulin resistance.

Eating healthy and exercising regularly helps weight loss, lowers insulin resistance, lowers androgens and LH levels and helps reverse both PCOS and PCOD.

Regular exercise improves insulin sensitivity of muscles and lowers insulin levels which in turn lowers the androgen and LH levels in PCOS and androgen levels in PCOD.

Both conditions and especially PCOS is often treated with medications like metformin and oral contraceptives with either oestrogen and progestin combined pills or progestin alone pills and medicines to stimulate ovulation and others to treat other symptoms of PCOS.

Lifestyle changes offer long-term benefits for managing symptoms and preventing complications, whereas medications often provide temporary relief and may need to be taken continuously to maintain their effects.

Irrespective of whether it is PCOS or PCOD, eating healthy, beginning to exercise and losing weight usually corrects the cycles and reverses the conditions.


This is exactly the treatment we offer for overweight or obese young ladies suffering infertility due to PCOS and PCOD.

We have inspired and helped a large number of young ladies adapt healthy, balanced nutrition and exercise as a lifestyle and lose weight to overcome their obesity, PCOS or PCOD and infertility not only in Pune, but all over the world!

Also read the articles’Health Problems Of The Young: PCOS and PCOD!’ And ‘Slim Women Are Healthy Women’ on this website.

Why Eat Nuts With Skin?

The Health Benefits Of The Nut Skin!

The skin of all nuts including almonds, walnuts, pistachios, cashew nuts, hazelnuts, pecans and also peanuts has a wealth of nutrition and we stand to lose this invaluable nutrition if we eat them without their skin.

Although cashew nuts are majorly sold minus their skin, they are also available with skin. It is healthier if we eat them with the skin.

Many people eat almonds after soaking and removing their skin, but this practice is robbing them of valuable nutrition.

Nut skin is rich in fibre, mostly insoluble fibre.

Many people know that nuts have ample fibre, what few know is that most of it is present in the skin and only fraction of it is in the nut proper.

Insoluble fibre slows down digestion of food and improves its satiety and prevents over eating.

It also slows down absorption of sugar from the carbohydrates in the food, helping control blood sugar levels, helps digestion and facilitates passage of stools out of the body, preventing constipation and helps keep the bacterial flora in the intestines healthy. This healthy bacterial flora helps digestion.

Nut skin is also rich in various antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

Almond: The brown skin of almonds are rich in polyphenols (antioxidants), such as flavonoids and phenolic acids. It also has trace amounts of vitamin E and minerals like magnesium, calcium and potassium.

Walnuts: The thin, papery skin of walnuts has tannins (antioxidants) and polyphenols and is also packed with essential minerals like copper and manganese.

Pistachios: The greenish-purple skin of pistachios is rich in carotenoids, anthocyanins, and phenolic compounds and it also provides vitamins (B6) and minerals like potassium and magnesium.

Cashew nuts: Cashew nut skin is rich in flavonoids and also provides trace minerals like magnesium and zinc.

Hazelnuts: The brown skin of hazelnuts is rich in powerful antioxidants viz. proanthocyanidins and provide vitamins like E and minerals like manganese and copper.

Pecans: The skin of pecans contains ellagic acid and other phenolic compounds and essential minerals like manganese and zinc.

Peanuts: Peanut skin is rich in fibre and polyphenols like resveratrol. It is also known to have Vitamin E and biotin (B7), niacin (B3), folate (B9), thiamine (B1), and riboflavin (B2). It also has minerals like magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron. Peanut skin also has small amounts of proteins and healthy fats, including essential fatty acids.

Health Benefits of Antioxidants:

Antioxidant reduce Oxidative Stress: Protects cells from free radical damage.

 Lower Risk of Chronic Diseases: Reduces inflammation and supports heart, brain, and immune health.

Promotes Healthy Aging: Protects skin and other tissues from aging effects.

Improves Eye Health: Carotenoids like lutein and zeaxanthin support vision.

Health benefits of vitamins and minerals:

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant.

Vitamins C and E strengthen immunity.

Essential vitamins and minerals support overall health, enhance nutrient intake and

bolster immune function.

A note of caution:

Eat nuts moderately. They are high fat and high calorie and can cause weight gain.

Do not snack on them indiscriminately.

Tannins work as antioxidants in moderate amounts, but can interfere with nutrient

absorption if consumed in large quantities.

Also read the article ’Lots Of Cheese And Nuts Won’t Make You Slim!


Overcoming PCOS And PCOD: The Role Of Weight Loss in Fertility Treatment!

And Effect of Weight Loss On PCOS, PCOD And Infertility!

It is a well known fact that obesity is closely associated with or is one of the major causes of PCOS and PCOD, miscarriages and primary and secondary infertility.

PCOS is a metabolic, endocrine and systemic disorder that is not limited to the ovaries.

It is characterised by insulin resistance, raised levels of insulin, androgens and LH, and reproductive dysfunction.

Excess weight increases insulin levels and insulin resistance and this leads to raised levels of androgens and LH and exacerbates PCOS.

PCOD on the other hand is considered more a lifestyle and ovarian disorder and less a systemic disorder than PCOS but it also is characterised by insulin resistance and androgen excesses, but it does not feature raised LH levels.

Another feature that differentiates between the two is inflammation. Inflammation is seen PCOS but not in PCOD.

Obesity is known to cause menstrual irregularities, poor or complete absence of ovulation, lowered chances of conception, increased chances of miscarriages, increased risk of complications during pregnancy and child birth.

In short, it means that many a young women are deprived of natural motherhood only because they are overweight or obese.

Losing a even a small amount of weight, as little as five per cent, will help their periods become regular, ovulation to improve, dramatically improve their chances of conceiving naturally, having a safe pregnancy without miscarriages and a safe delivery and having a healthy child.

Research has proved that even five per cent drop in body weight of obese young women has helped them drop an average of eleven per cent of their abdominal fat, reduced their waist circumference measurements by four cm, increased their insulin sensitivity by an amazing seventy one per cent, lowered their insulin, android and LH levels and improved the hormonal environment in their bodies, restored their regular menstruation and ovulation and improved their pregnancy rates.

Balanced nutrition, focusing on complex carbohydrates and avoiding simple carbohydrates and including anti inflammatory foods in daily diet improves the insulin sensitivity, lowers insulin levels and insulin resistance.

Eating healthy and exercising regularly helps weight loss, lowers insulin resistance, lowers androgens and LH levels and helps reverse both PCOS and PCOD.

Regular exercise improves insulin sensitivity of muscles and lowers insulin levels which in turn lowers the androgen and LH levels in PCOS and androgen levels in PCOD.

Both conditions and especially PCOS is often treated with medications like metformin and oral contraceptives with either oestrogen and progestin combined pills or progestin alone pills and medicines to stimulate ovulation and others to treat other symptoms of PCOS.

Lifestyle changes offer long-term benefits for managing symptoms and preventing complications, whereas medications often provide temporary relief and may need to be taken continuously to maintain their effects.

Irrespective of whether it is PCOS or PCOD, eating healthy, beginning to exercise and losing weight usually corrects the cycles and reverses the conditions.


This is exactly the treatment we offer for overweight or obese young ladies suffering infertility due to PCOS and PCOD.

We have inspired and helped a large number of young ladies adapt healthy, balanced nutrition and exercise as a lifestyle and lose weight to overcome their obesity, PCOS or PCOD and infertility not only in Pune, but all over the world!

Also read the articles’Health Problems Of The Young: PCOS and PCOD!’ And ‘Slim Women Are Healthy Women’ on this website.

Why Eat Nuts With Skin?

The Health Benefits Of The Nut Skin!

The skin of all nuts including almonds, walnuts, pistachios, cashew nuts, hazelnuts, pecans and also peanuts has a wealth of nutrition and we stand to lose this invaluable nutrition if we eat them without their skin.

Although cashew nuts are majorly sold minus their skin, they are also available with skin. It is healthier if we eat them with the skin.

Many people eat almonds after soaking and removing their skin, but this practice is robbing them of valuable nutrition.

Nut skin is rich in fibre, mostly insoluble fibre.

Many people know that nuts have ample fibre, what few know is that most of it is present in the skin and only fraction of it is in the nut proper.

Insoluble fibre slows down digestion of food and improves its satiety and prevents over eating.

It also slows down absorption of sugar from the carbohydrates in the food, helping control blood sugar levels, helps digestion and facilitates passage of stools out of the body, preventing constipation and helps keep the bacterial flora in the intestines healthy. This healthy bacterial flora helps digestion.

Nut skin is also rich in various antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

Almond: The brown skin of almonds are rich in polyphenols (antioxidants), such as flavonoids and phenolic acids. It also has trace amounts of vitamin E and minerals like magnesium, calcium and potassium.

Walnuts: The thin, papery skin of walnuts has tannins (antioxidants) and polyphenols and is also packed with essential minerals like copper and manganese.

Pistachios: The greenish-purple skin of pistachios is rich in carotenoids, anthocyanins, and phenolic compounds and it also provides vitamins (B6) and minerals like potassium and magnesium.

Cashew nuts: Cashew nut skin is rich in flavonoids and also provides trace minerals like magnesium and zinc.

Hazelnuts: The brown skin of hazelnuts is rich in powerful antioxidants viz. proanthocyanidins and provide vitamins like E and minerals like manganese and copper.

Pecans: The skin of pecans contains ellagic acid and other phenolic compounds and essential minerals like manganese and zinc.

Peanuts: Peanut skin is rich in fibre and polyphenols like resveratrol. It is also known to have Vitamin E and biotin (B7), niacin (B3), folate (B9), thiamine (B1), and riboflavin (B2). It also has minerals like magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron. Peanut skin also has small amounts of proteins and healthy fats, including essential fatty acids.

Health Benefits of Antioxidants:

Antioxidant reduce Oxidative Stress: Protects cells from free radical damage.

 Lower Risk of Chronic Diseases: Reduces inflammation and supports heart, brain, and immune health.

Promotes Healthy Aging: Protects skin and other tissues from aging effects.

Improves Eye Health: Carotenoids like lutein and zeaxanthin support vision.

Health benefits of vitamins and minerals:

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant.

Vitamins C and E strengthen immunity.

Essential vitamins and minerals support overall health, enhance nutrient intake and

bolster immune function.

A note of caution:

Eat nuts moderately. They are high fat and high calorie and can cause weight gain.

Do not snack on them indiscriminately.

Tannins work as antioxidants in moderate amounts, but can interfere with nutrient

absorption if consumed in large quantities.

Also read the article ’Lots Of Cheese And Nuts Won’t Make You Slim!

Large Alt

Overcoming PCOS And PCOD: The Role Of Weight Loss in Fertility Treatment!

And Effect of Weight Loss On PCOS, PCOD And Infertility!

It is a well known fact that obesity is closely associated with or is one of the major causes of PCOS and PCOD, miscarriages and primary and secondary infertility.

PCOS is a metabolic, endocrine and systemic disorder that is not limited to the ovaries.

It is characterised by insulin resistance, raised levels of insulin, androgens and LH, and reproductive dysfunction.

Excess weight increases insulin levels and insulin resistance and this leads to raised levels of androgens and LH and exacerbates PCOS.

PCOD on the other hand is considered more a lifestyle and ovarian disorder and less a systemic disorder than PCOS but it also is characterised by insulin resistance and androgen excesses, but it does not feature raised LH levels.

Another feature that differentiates between the two is inflammation. Inflammation is seen PCOS but not in PCOD.

Obesity is known to cause menstrual irregularities, poor or complete absence of ovulation, lowered chances of conception, increased chances of miscarriages, increased risk of complications during pregnancy and child birth.

In short, it means that many a young women are deprived of natural motherhood only because they are overweight or obese.

Losing a even a small amount of weight, as little as five per cent, will help their periods become regular, ovulation to improve, dramatically improve their chances of conceiving naturally, having a safe pregnancy without miscarriages and a safe delivery and having a healthy child.

Research has proved that even five per cent drop in body weight of obese young women has helped them drop an average of eleven per cent of their abdominal fat, reduced their waist circumference measurements by four cm, increased their insulin sensitivity by an amazing seventy one per cent, lowered their insulin, android and LH levels and improved the hormonal environment in their bodies, restored their regular menstruation and ovulation and improved their pregnancy rates.

Balanced nutrition, focusing on complex carbohydrates and avoiding simple carbohydrates and including anti inflammatory foods in daily diet improves the insulin sensitivity, lowers insulin levels and insulin resistance.

Eating healthy and exercising regularly helps weight loss, lowers insulin resistance, lowers androgens and LH levels and helps reverse both PCOS and PCOD.

Regular exercise improves insulin sensitivity of muscles and lowers insulin levels which in turn lowers the androgen and LH levels in PCOS and androgen levels in PCOD.

Both conditions and especially PCOS is often treated with medications like metformin and oral contraceptives with either oestrogen and progestin combined pills or progestin alone pills and medicines to stimulate ovulation and others to treat other symptoms of PCOS.

Lifestyle changes offer long-term benefits for managing symptoms and preventing complications, whereas medications often provide temporary relief and may need to be taken continuously to maintain their effects.

Irrespective of whether it is PCOS or PCOD, eating healthy, beginning to exercise and losing weight usually corrects the cycles and reverses the conditions.


This is exactly the treatment we offer for overweight or obese young ladies suffering infertility due to PCOS and PCOD.

We have inspired and helped a large number of young ladies adapt healthy, balanced nutrition and exercise as a lifestyle and lose weight to overcome their obesity, PCOS or PCOD and infertility not only in Pune, but all over the world!

Also read the articles’Health Problems Of The Young: PCOS and PCOD!’ And ‘Slim Women Are Healthy Women’ on this website.


Why Eat Nuts With Skin?

The Health Benefits Of The Nut Skin!

The skin of all nuts including almonds, walnuts, pistachios, cashew nuts, hazelnuts, pecans and also peanuts has a wealth of nutrition and we stand to lose this invaluable nutrition if we eat them without their skin.

Although cashew nuts are majorly sold minus their skin, they are also available with skin. It is healthier if we eat them with the skin.

Many people eat almonds after soaking and removing their skin, but this practice is robbing them of valuable nutrition.

Nut skin is rich in fibre, mostly insoluble fibre.

Many people know that nuts have ample fibre, what few know is that most of it is present in the skin and only fraction of it is in the nut proper.

Insoluble fibre slows down digestion of food and improves its satiety and prevents over eating.

It also slows down absorption of sugar from the carbohydrates in the food, helping control blood sugar levels, helps digestion and facilitates passage of stools out of the body, preventing constipation and helps keep the bacterial flora in the intestines healthy. This healthy bacterial flora helps digestion.

Nut skin is also rich in various antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

Almond: The brown skin of almonds are rich in polyphenols (antioxidants), such as flavonoids and phenolic acids. It also has trace amounts of vitamin E and minerals like magnesium, calcium and potassium.

Walnuts: The thin, papery skin of walnuts has tannins (antioxidants) and polyphenols and is also packed with essential minerals like copper and manganese.

Pistachios: The greenish-purple skin of pistachios is rich in carotenoids, anthocyanins, and phenolic compounds and it also provides vitamins (B6) and minerals like potassium and magnesium.

Cashew nuts: Cashew nut skin is rich in flavonoids and also provides trace minerals like magnesium and zinc.

Hazelnuts: The brown skin of hazelnuts is rich in powerful antioxidants viz. proanthocyanidins and provide vitamins like E and minerals like manganese and copper.

Pecans: The skin of pecans contains ellagic acid and other phenolic compounds and essential minerals like manganese and zinc.

Peanuts: Peanut skin is rich in fibre and polyphenols like resveratrol. It is also known to have Vitamin E and biotin (B7), niacin (B3), folate (B9), thiamine (B1), and riboflavin (B2). It also has minerals like magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron. Peanut skin also has small amounts of proteins and healthy fats, including essential fatty acids.

Health Benefits of Antioxidants:

Antioxidant reduce Oxidative Stress: Protects cells from free radical damage.

 Lower Risk of Chronic Diseases: Reduces inflammation and supports heart, brain, and immune health.

Promotes Healthy Aging: Protects skin and other tissues from aging effects.

Improves Eye Health: Carotenoids like lutein and zeaxanthin support vision.

Health benefits of vitamins and minerals:

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant.

Vitamins C and E strengthen immunity.

Essential vitamins and minerals support overall health, enhance nutrient intake and

bolster immune function.

A note of caution:

Eat nuts moderately. They are high fat and high calorie and can cause weight gain.

Do not snack on them indiscriminately.

Tannins work as antioxidants in moderate amounts, but can interfere with nutrient

absorption if consumed in large quantities.

Also read the article ’Lots Of Cheese And Nuts Won’t Make You Slim!



Overcoming PCOS And PCOD: The Role Of Weight Loss in Fertility Treatment!

And Effect of Weight Loss On PCOS, PCOD And Infertility!

It is a well known fact that obesity is closely associated with or is one of the major causes of PCOS and PCOD, miscarriages and primary and secondary infertility.

PCOS is a metabolic, endocrine and systemic disorder that is not limited to the ovaries.

It is characterised by insulin resistance, raised levels of insulin, androgens and LH, and reproductive dysfunction.

Excess weight increases insulin levels and insulin resistance and this leads to raised levels of androgens and LH and exacerbates PCOS.

PCOD on the other hand is considered more a lifestyle and ovarian disorder and less a systemic disorder than PCOS but it also is characterised by insulin resistance and androgen excesses, but it does not feature raised LH levels.

Another feature that differentiates between the two is inflammation. Inflammation is seen PCOS but not in PCOD.

Obesity is known to cause menstrual irregularities, poor or complete absence of ovulation, lowered chances of conception, increased chances of miscarriages, increased risk of complications during pregnancy and child birth.

In short, it means that many a young women are deprived of natural motherhood only because they are overweight or obese.

Losing a even a small amount of weight, as little as five per cent, will help their periods become regular, ovulation to improve, dramatically improve their chances of conceiving naturally, having a safe pregnancy without miscarriages and a safe delivery and having a healthy child.

Research has proved that even five per cent drop in body weight of obese young women has helped them drop an average of eleven per cent of their abdominal fat, reduced their waist circumference measurements by four cm, increased their insulin sensitivity by an amazing seventy one per cent, lowered their insulin, android and LH levels and improved the hormonal environment in their bodies, restored their regular menstruation and ovulation and improved their pregnancy rates.

Balanced nutrition, focusing on complex carbohydrates and avoiding simple carbohydrates and including anti inflammatory foods in daily diet improves the insulin sensitivity, lowers insulin levels and insulin resistance.

Eating healthy and exercising regularly helps weight loss, lowers insulin resistance, lowers androgens and LH levels and helps reverse both PCOS and PCOD.

Regular exercise improves insulin sensitivity of muscles and lowers insulin levels which in turn lowers the androgen and LH levels in PCOS and androgen levels in PCOD.

Both conditions and especially PCOS is often treated with medications like metformin and oral contraceptives with either oestrogen and progestin combined pills or progestin alone pills and medicines to stimulate ovulation and others to treat other symptoms of PCOS.

Lifestyle changes offer long-term benefits for managing symptoms and preventing complications, whereas medications often provide temporary relief and may need to be taken continuously to maintain their effects.

Irrespective of whether it is PCOS or PCOD, eating healthy, beginning to exercise and losing weight usually corrects the cycles and reverses the conditions.


This is exactly the treatment we offer for overweight or obese young ladies suffering infertility due to PCOS and PCOD.

We have inspired and helped a large number of young ladies adapt healthy, balanced nutrition and exercise as a lifestyle and lose weight to overcome their obesity, PCOS or PCOD and infertility not only in Pune, but all over the world!

Also read the articles’Health Problems Of The Young: PCOS and PCOD!’ And ‘Slim Women Are Healthy Women’ on this website.

Why Eat Nuts With Skin?

The Health Benefits Of The Nut Skin!

The skin of all nuts including almonds, walnuts, pistachios, cashew nuts, hazelnuts, pecans and also peanuts has a wealth of nutrition and we stand to lose this invaluable nutrition if we eat them without their skin.

Although cashew nuts are majorly sold minus their skin, they are also available with skin. It is healthier if we eat them with the skin.

Many people eat almonds after soaking and removing their skin, but this practice is robbing them of valuable nutrition.

Nut skin is rich in fibre, mostly insoluble fibre.

Many people know that nuts have ample fibre, what few know is that most of it is present in the skin and only fraction of it is in the nut proper.

Insoluble fibre slows down digestion of food and improves its satiety and prevents over eating.

It also slows down absorption of sugar from the carbohydrates in the food, helping control blood sugar levels, helps digestion and facilitates passage of stools out of the body, preventing constipation and helps keep the bacterial flora in the intestines healthy. This healthy bacterial flora helps digestion.

Nut skin is also rich in various antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

Almond: The brown skin of almonds are rich in polyphenols (antioxidants), such as flavonoids and phenolic acids. It also has trace amounts of vitamin E and minerals like magnesium, calcium and potassium.

Walnuts: The thin, papery skin of walnuts has tannins (antioxidants) and polyphenols and is also packed with essential minerals like copper and manganese.

Pistachios: The greenish-purple skin of pistachios is rich in carotenoids, anthocyanins, and phenolic compounds and it also provides vitamins (B6) and minerals like potassium and magnesium.

Cashew nuts: Cashew nut skin is rich in flavonoids and also provides trace minerals like magnesium and zinc.

Hazelnuts: The brown skin of hazelnuts is rich in powerful antioxidants viz. proanthocyanidins and provide vitamins like E and minerals like manganese and copper.

Pecans: The skin of pecans contains ellagic acid and other phenolic compounds and essential minerals like manganese and zinc.

Peanuts: Peanut skin is rich in fibre and polyphenols like resveratrol. It is also known to have Vitamin E and biotin (B7), niacin (B3), folate (B9), thiamine (B1), and riboflavin (B2). It also has minerals like magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron. Peanut skin also has small amounts of proteins and healthy fats, including essential fatty acids.

Health Benefits of Antioxidants:

Antioxidant reduce Oxidative Stress: Protects cells from free radical damage.

 Lower Risk of Chronic Diseases: Reduces inflammation and supports heart, brain, and immune health.

Promotes Healthy Aging: Protects skin and other tissues from aging effects.

Improves Eye Health: Carotenoids like lutein and zeaxanthin support vision.

Health benefits of vitamins and minerals:

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant.

Vitamins C and E strengthen immunity.

Essential vitamins and minerals support overall health, enhance nutrient intake and

bolster immune function.

A note of caution:

Eat nuts moderately. They are high fat and high calorie and can cause weight gain.

Do not snack on them indiscriminately.

Tannins work as antioxidants in moderate amounts, but can interfere with nutrient

absorption if consumed in large quantities.

Also read the article ’Lots Of Cheese And Nuts Won’t Make You Slim!